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User Journal

Journal Journal: Hmmm

Why don't I write in this journal more?
Well there are lots of reasons.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Shocked 1

I was just stunned to learn today that I have 5 fans on slashdot. It was just shocking. I must have said something witty along the way to get this loyal throng of followers. I don't know what it was. Must be something in the water.

It's also funny that I found this out on the same day that I had a comment moded down to a -1 as flamebait. I think that might have been my first.

The Internet

Journal Journal: Hmmm?

Journal, huh? You call this a journal?

Back in the day, we had to write our journal on the sidewalk, uphill, both ways!

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In order to dial out, it is necessary to broaden one's dimension.
