My apologies but being a male and staying away from children in public places it is not about being "frightened." It is about avoiding the risk of being charged as a pedophile or questioned by the police as to your interactions with the child. Especially if you are, in my case, middle aged, overweight and single. The women I date know me better, but people are conditioned to assume sexual predator and it is possible they will take their anger/discomfort about loosing track of a child and anything else bugging them out on you. Once you are accused of this, even if you are never charged, it is impossible to entirely escape. I watched this happen to men I respected in the 80's, 90's and the early 2000's. They were helpful and not predators, but that didn't stop the accusations. At least the whole "recovered memory" fad has mostly died out. If I see a child in distress I do not approach, I look for a woman, staff member or call someone. It is not because I am "frightened" it is because I have seen what happens when people jump to conclusions. Once you are tarred with that brush, guilty or not you never escape it. I was nicer and less cautious when I was younger, but I have learned better in the last 20 years.