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Comment Re:Controversial Opinion: Small Landlords, Too (Score 1) 91

The thing is, there isn’t anything inherently bad with it. However, when zoning prohibits density it limits the amount of new homes built. Particularly in older built out areas in the Northeast. An easy solution is to allow higher density, but only of smaller non luxury housing. The builder can than subdivide to build more houses and still make a comparable profit to a single luxury home on a half or full acre lot. The current resident of a neighborhood might not be enamored, but the developers won’t care if the profits are comparable. I live a half mile from two train stations on a single line; and a mile and a quarter from four stations and two train lines. The majority of the housing in that radius is on zoned 1/2 acre and 2/3 acre lots. There are only a couple blocks near only one of the four stations with smaller row houses. To be completely fair, about a mile and half away in one direction there are several apartments over retail. And denser housing in general in a pre-revolutionary war town center which is now part of the larger metro area. However at a bare minimum housing next to train stations should be required to be denser than 1/2 lots.

Comment Re:Decades? Why decades? (Score 1) 112

Almost every woman wants someone at least their financial equal or better. Most people are hard pressed to land an intelligent ambition woman unless they can match them in that regard. Most women don’t want a long term relationship with a man that makes less than them. Men tend to be a lot less picky in that regard. So the more you make, the bigger the pool of women you will have to chance with. But sure you can find plenty of gold diggers too if that is your thing.

Comment On mobile, probably (Score 1) 276

I can see that on mobile or when people use a smart speaker. The latter it is the only option. However most people can type on a physical keyboard way faster than they can talk. And frankly ideal search grammar is different than conversational speech. I don’t think text based search is going anywhere on a desktop or laptop. However I’d be surprised if most searches world wide already are not performed on a mobile device.

Comment The point? (Score 2, Insightful) 195

The richest and most powerful countries in the world are not going to agree to be "held responsible" by the weakest and poorest ones beyond saying in effect, "my bad". Don't hold your breath. I hope it makes you feel better about voicing your opinions though. You have been heard. We care, but not enough to give you our stuff. Our ancestors pillaged and stole more than we need while trashing into the air and oceans fair and square.

Comment And yet.... (Score 1) 296

And yet, there are more movies than ever. Some movies are unequivocally better on the biggest screen you can find. If you live in a small apartment, a medium screen at neighborhood theater is also an excellent amenity. However, movies are movies. If more movies than ever are being made and more people than ever are being paid to make them, is it really a bid deal outside of nostalgia than movie theaters are niche industry? On that note is $8.5 billion in tickets sales really niche anyway? The overall industry isn't in decline. Just the theaters.

Comment Re:Pricing (Score 1) 73

No one cares except maybe some future family members. My Grandparents, the four born ranging from the 1920-1930, have hundreds of pictures or their lives and the lives of other family members. I will admit that I have only looked through them only a few times. But they were interesting. And that is just me there are about two hundred of us kids, grandkids, great grand kids, cousins, supposes, uncles, aunts, etc. Will my proverbial mountains of pictures and videos of me exploring and observing by myself, with friends, and/or family ever prove entertaining or worthwhile to my descendants. Who knows? But eventually I'll be dead and that is for them to decide. But I have been to all four continents and many places in-between. So there probably will be a few things in there. And if not, I'vs had a lot of fund so far.

Comment Re:Pricing (Score 1) 73

2 TB is nothing close to unlimited for "most people". Let alone most families sharing the iCloud system. High resolution photos and 4k videos take up a lot of space. That is only going to increase with increased adoption of depth of field videos and photos. About every 12-18 months I offload thousands of pictures and hundreds of video to an external hard drive, well two HDs so I have backup of the back up, to free up space on the iCloud account. That is only for my wife and me, we haven't even gotten our kids phones yet. If was just me, I'd still have to offload and back up at least every three years.

Comment More “I can not compete” European taxe (Score 0) 69

European can not longer create and compete effectively in the tech space. So they just fine American companies to try to balance their books in lieu of creating jobs. It’s like the USA providing them with a security umbrella so they can afford to give ail their citizens subsidized healthcare wasn’t enough. I want tax subsidized healthcare that doesn’t tie me to an employer. Also talk about a business subsidy compared to American businesses which shoulder varying percentage of healthcare costs for their employees instead.

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