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Comment China is the world’s largest polluter. (Score 2, Informative) 57

Cool. Now how much did its fossil fuel consumption increase at the same time? Hint: by even more. China is by far the world’s largest polluter. While it is certainly better than if all the new power coming online were fossil fuels, they need to get a handle on their pollution problem. Because it is everyone’s problem. The world can’t wait for China to finally decide it is time to become a responsible member of the world’s nations. They need to act now.

Comment They have those, trains. (Score 1) 43

"They have created these amazing new aircraft that really 10 or 15 years ago would've been unimaginable. I think there's something innately attractive about being able to leapfrog all of your terrestrial obstacles. Who hasn't wished that if you live in the suburbs that, you know, something could drop into your cul-de-sac and 15 minutes later you're at the office." — Roger Connor, curator of the vertical flight collection at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum. They have those in North America’s pre automobile major metros as well as all over Western Europe, Japan, and S.Korea. Even China and some metros in S. America. It’s called the trains with dedicated rights of way. Though I guess it’s twenty minutes from my Cul-de-sac to downtown by train. Not fifteen. Of course some suburbs, which really are exurbs, are car dependent dystopia with no services and twenty, or more miles, from the city center. And not a town center based walkable suburbia connected to the region by rail. Those exurbs and auto centric post 1950’s cities and suburbia probably would love an air taxi stop in their Cul-de-sac.

Comment Re:Controversial Opinion: Small Landlords, Too (Score 1) 91

The thing is, there isn’t anything inherently bad with it. However, when zoning prohibits density it limits the amount of new homes built. Particularly in older built out areas in the Northeast. An easy solution is to allow higher density, but only of smaller non luxury housing. The builder can than subdivide to build more houses and still make a comparable profit to a single luxury home on a half or full acre lot. The current resident of a neighborhood might not be enamored, but the developers won’t care if the profits are comparable. I live a half mile from two train stations on a single line; and a mile and a quarter from four stations and two train lines. The majority of the housing in that radius is on zoned 1/2 acre and 2/3 acre lots. There are only a couple blocks near only one of the four stations with smaller row houses. To be completely fair, about a mile and half away in one direction there are several apartments over retail. And denser housing in general in a pre-revolutionary war town center which is now part of the larger metro area. However at a bare minimum housing next to train stations should be required to be denser than 1/2 lots.

Comment Re:Decades? Why decades? (Score 1) 112

Almost every woman wants someone at least their financial equal or better. Most people are hard pressed to land an intelligent ambition woman unless they can match them in that regard. Most women don’t want a long term relationship with a man that makes less than them. Men tend to be a lot less picky in that regard. So the more you make, the bigger the pool of women you will have to chance with. But sure you can find plenty of gold diggers too if that is your thing.

Comment On mobile, probably (Score 1) 277

I can see that on mobile or when people use a smart speaker. The latter it is the only option. However most people can type on a physical keyboard way faster than they can talk. And frankly ideal search grammar is different than conversational speech. I don’t think text based search is going anywhere on a desktop or laptop. However I’d be surprised if most searches world wide already are not performed on a mobile device.

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