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Comment Not that different from recreational usage (Score 1) 138

Psychedelic are a class of drug that is extremely powerful yet the more powerful a dose you take the less addictive it is. I proffer the majority of people who take it recreationally more than a couple times are in fact self medicating to the degree they are trying to understand themselves and their motivations better. Yes I tripped and watched movies on the big screen because I thought it would be fun. However, partially due to the duration of the the effects it almost always reaches a point in the trip where everything has quieted down, you have past the peak of the dose, and you are engaging in long conversations with other people trying process the stimulus under an euphoric mental duress. While it is true that seemingly earth changing insights are often in fact supremely ridiculous when further pondered in a non altered mental state. That does preclude the sense of wonder and openness that also occurs during that time. I have only tripped 5 times in the last, almost, thirty years. Maybe I will again at some point maybe not. I don't seek it out, but if I am many dozens of miles from civilization and the right opportunity presents itself I may again. I also partook probably more than my fair share over the course of one crazy summer between high school graduation and may first year of college. It undoubtedly altered my sense of self, I would argue mostly in a good way. I am certainly nowhere in the realm of Bill Gates, but I live a life where I mostly have to seek out challenges for personal fulfillment instead of having life throw them at me and then have to figure out what I need to do to overcome them. I at least partially attribute that to being able to figure out what I truly wanted, deciding what I need to do to achieve it, and then having the courage and gumption to achieve it. That clarity and gumption became available to me at least partially by throwing myself into mental peril and then overcoming it. Maybe it would have happened anyway. Impossible to say. But it happened for me that way.

Comment Re:Pretty nice! And Android too! (Score 1) 211

The thing about remote locations is that there tend to be very few people there. And the take it further and only include people who have a compatible phone on one of the three big carriers and that number is even smaller. I think it will be fine.

Comment Re:All in the Reporting. (Score 1) 288

Bogeyman bullshit? It’s like you never saw any of the incessant smear ads ran against Harris. Trump is breaking the law that is why the courts kicked Musk out of the Treasury Department. That is why those letters sent out telling to resign have been deemed invalid. It is why the Impoundment law is being is being held as why actions like this are bullshit and don’t need to be given the time of day. I get that sometimes the other side wins. I get they get run things when they hold the reins of power. However we are can country of laws. We don’t have dictators in this country. I’d Trump doesn’t want states to spend money on charging stations than he needs to convince his fellow Republicans in congress to change the law. I wouldn’t be happy about that either, but that would be legal. The fundamental problem here isn’t that Trump wants to change things. It is that he thinks he can change things, “because he says so”. That isn’t how things work.

Comment Re:China is the world’s largest polluter. (Score 1) 152

You speak in percentages and I am speaking in absolutes. As a percentage coal and oil increased far less than renewables. But it is already such a huge part of the mix it doesn't need to be a large percentage increase to be a greater total increase than renewables. You said I should provide more than just hints then you go on to provided slanted info that suggests you are correct. Then you throw out insults as if that further proves your point. The facts are that as of last year China accounts for 32.88% go all the CO2 generated by artificial sources. The USA accounts for 12.60%. India, with a larger population than China accounts for 6.99%. Yes, per person the USA is a lot higher than China. But per person China is a lot higher than India. The USA is 14th highest per capita. So it isn't like the USA is leading the pack there either. The USA is releases only 18% of per capita C02 emissions as the number one country. And releases less per capita than Australia or Canada. Lastly, while China has certainly dealt with their previous issue of exploding population; however their outrageously large population it is the main cause of their current huge output of CO2. So any argument you have about historical emissions is a wash there. Our atmosphere and oceans don't care about per capita. We can't change the past to change the future. We can only change the present to lead us onto different paths. Don't misunderstand me, I applaud China's renewable and EV efforts. What I am saying is that unless they also rein in their C02 as well, the efforts amount to running in circles while being perplexed you don't ever arrive to your destination.

Comment China is the world’s largest polluter. (Score 2, Informative) 152

Cool. Now how much did its fossil fuel consumption increase at the same time? Hint: by even more. China is by far the world’s largest polluter. While it is certainly better than if all the new power coming online were fossil fuels, they need to get a handle on their pollution problem. Because it is everyone’s problem. The world can’t wait for China to finally decide it is time to become a responsible member of the world’s nations. They need to act now.

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