Psychedelic are a class of drug that is extremely powerful yet the more powerful a dose you take the less addictive it is. I proffer the majority of people who take it recreationally more than a couple times are in fact self medicating to the degree they are trying to understand themselves and their motivations better. Yes I tripped and watched movies on the big screen because I thought it would be fun. However, partially due to the duration of the the effects it almost always reaches a point in the trip where everything has quieted down, you have past the peak of the dose, and you are engaging in long conversations with other people trying process the stimulus under an euphoric mental duress. While it is true that seemingly earth changing insights are often in fact supremely ridiculous when further pondered in a non altered mental state. That does preclude the sense of wonder and openness that also occurs during that time. I have only tripped 5 times in the last, almost, thirty years. Maybe I will again at some point maybe not. I don't seek it out, but if I am many dozens of miles from civilization and the right opportunity presents itself I may again. I also partook probably more than my fair share over the course of one crazy summer between high school graduation and may first year of college. It undoubtedly altered my sense of self, I would argue mostly in a good way. I am certainly nowhere in the realm of Bill Gates, but I live a life where I mostly have to seek out challenges for personal fulfillment instead of having life throw them at me and then have to figure out what I need to do to overcome them. I at least partially attribute that to being able to figure out what I truly wanted, deciding what I need to do to achieve it, and then having the courage and gumption to achieve it. That clarity and gumption became available to me at least partially by throwing myself into mental peril and then overcoming it. Maybe it would have happened anyway. Impossible to say. But it happened for me that way.