True. Most Americans are fat too. Coincidence, I think not. While you can certainly bake, cook, or otherwise prepare unhealthy foods. It is way easier to eat healthy when you control the ingredients that go into the food you eat. And the saw of “I am too busy, I just don’t have the time.” Is demonstrably false when you factor in how much time the average person spend sitting on their keister with their face glued to a screen. A person may find that more enjoyable activity, but it is also clearly a choice. If someone’s parents didn’t cook, the chances they don’t either is significantly higher. It is kind of like instilling of love of reading when a person is young. However people need not be slaves to routine, we do have the capacity to break out and make better choices.
Baking, and otherwise preparing food and freezing, fermenting, dehydrating, or canning it is tried and true was to make foods last longer that would otherwise spoil quickly. Presumably you cut the grass, do laundry, clean the bathroom, etc once a week. Take twenty to forty minutes a week and add it to your list of chores. Or don’t, and instead watch another episode of dopamine brain farts.