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Comment Re:DRM (Score 1) 47

Except that near all existing tvs with digital tuners can accept the new 4k signals. If you have a 4k tv you will benefit. Those free commercial supported broadcast are not going away. This is no different than when the broadcasts went from SD to HD. At worst you will need a new antenna with a builtin upgraded tuner. People were freaking out that everything would be paywalled going forward when the upgrade happened some twenty years ago too. That isn’t what happened and it isn’t what is being proposed here either.

Comment QR codes to pay (Score 1) 198

The local bar and drill watering hole nearest my home has real menus. But when you are ready to pay, the receipt they bring you has a QR code so you can choose to pay without having to wait through the rest of the usual back and forth. Freeing up their time and yours. Particularly when the pub is packed.

Comment Re:qr world (Score 1) 198

Most restaurants? I guess it depends on what restaurants you patronized. I go to Japan about every other year and while a vending or ordering machine where they give you a ticket you hand to someone behind a counter isn't rare. In my experience makes up a small percentage all of bars and restaurants. They do tend to more common at resorts and other places that tend to get lots of foreign tourists though.

Comment I don't want a Johnny Cab (Score 1) 44

Are they going to charge way less than car with human drivers? Because I can't think of another way they could convince people to rise in these murder machines. But offer a free prize or a discount and people will trample each other for it. See: Black Friday. Personally I wouldn't mind owning a self driving car that could take me home from a bar, party, or entertainment venue like a stadium or arena. But I would still want to drive it most of the time. If I am in a car, I would rather be the one driving. in nearly three decades of driving I have never hit anyone and have manage to dodge every close call by other drivers. I trust my ability more than I do others or some computer. That said, it sure would be nice to have our own car drive my wife and I home after a date so we can both have a few drinks should the night allow for it. Or to shuttle the kids around to karate, or ball practice. I just don't want me or my family to be the guinea pigs. Maybe in another decade when they have ironed out the kinks.

Comment What a world! (Score 1) 128

While clearly the correct choice in this particular circumstance, it is kind of funny how restoring analog technology is now considered visionary. What a time to be alive! I miss the world where we could give our TVs a could smack when it got out phase and get it working again. You know, back when technology knew its place. Rubbed some dirt on it, got back in there, and performed. Now a day the child throws one remote at the tv while yelling the game is unfair and that candy[butt] TV stops working forever. The digital world is mostly great. But I am glad I grew up in an analog one. Long live physical nobs!

Comment It isn’t broken. Don’t try to fix it. (Score 1) 201

All these arguments are nonsense. I live roughly 40 minutes east in my time zone compared to where I lived in a different time zone most of my life. So in effect I am about 2 hour a 40 minutes ahead when you are talking about sun rises and sun sets. So notion that a permanent one hour head would be bad for you is just nonsense. I’ve experienced two hour of darkness a day in Alaska. I have flown to and from Japan. Returning to the USA an hour before I left according to clocks. Time is weird and most people can adapt to nearly anything just fine. The majority of Americans cross times for work or pleasure every year. A large minority of people cross times zone twelve or more time a years. If time changes twice a year time is so horrible than why do people chose change time for vacation? Frankly I think people just like to complain about things. Including people, like me, complaining about people complaining. The current system provides the most people with the most opportunity to get some sunshine. It isn’t broken. There is nothing to fix.

Comment Re:Noooo they must brown for Banana Bread! (Score 0) 67

True. Most Americans are fat too. Coincidence, I think not. While you can certainly bake, cook, or otherwise prepare unhealthy foods. It is way easier to eat healthy when you control the ingredients that go into the food you eat. And the saw of “I am too busy, I just don’t have the time.” Is demonstrably false when you factor in how much time the average person spend sitting on their keister with their face glued to a screen. A person may find that more enjoyable activity, but it is also clearly a choice. If someone’s parents didn’t cook, the chances they don’t either is significantly higher. It is kind of like instilling of love of reading when a person is young. However people need not be slaves to routine, we do have the capacity to break out and make better choices. Baking, and otherwise preparing food and freezing, fermenting, dehydrating, or canning it is tried and true was to make foods last longer that would otherwise spoil quickly. Presumably you cut the grass, do laundry, clean the bathroom, etc once a week. Take twenty to forty minutes a week and add it to your list of chores. Or don’t, and instead watch another episode of dopamine brain farts.

Comment This Musk written all over it. (Score 3, Interesting) 57

Seems to me the primary interference for GPS come from creep from satellite based phone and internet service. Further expansion onto other bands currently reserved for GPS would allow Musk to provide better service and sign up more customers. GPS is free to use and access. All you need is a receiver and decoder. MAGA is about duping idiots to support further enrichment and entrenchment of billionaires.

Comment Is it though? (Score 1) 17

If a drone never goes to Mars, can it really be called a “Mars Drone”? It is as much of a Mars Drone as I am an astronaut. Neither the makers of the drone nor I have the technical ability to reach the required destinations for those things to be true. Nor the friends or partners to get us there in one piece.

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