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Comment Re:This fills me with confidence (Score 1) 96

Off topic, but I just wanted to say thank-you for your candour and if I may, I'd love to ask a couple of things? Why are you on Slashdot? I don't mean that in the Accusative, Just fascinated to know what brings you here! You have been privileged to see the Computer revolution from both sides! What can you say about that? Does the reality of this 'future' mesh with the promise of the future, from back then? What are the highs, and the lows? What should we have done better, what surprised you, and what would you have us do to make it better? I hope most strongly, that you outlive the teeth Sir! I used to ask my Grandad how old he was, always used to reply 'As old as my tongue, and a bit older than my Teeth'!

Comment Significance of Methane? (Score 1) 15

I wonder, in both Liquid cycles, there are 10 protons involved, I think? Oxygen with 8 + 2 Hydrogen with 1 = 10; 18.01528 g/mol Carbon with 6 + 4 Hydrogen with 1 = 10; 16.04246 g/mol Is this purely coincidence or something else entirely? So, note that they have a close molar mass, a difference of only 1.97282. But I must profess my ignorance here, I don't know if this difference is considered to be miniscule or if it's actually a very big difference, in terms of chemistry and physics! I'm aware the we know that Methane is an Organic compound, and Oxidane isn't ... but I'm thinking, they don't know that :-) And so, I ask because I'm not a proper scientist, I am just interested in this sort of thing, and because I noted a correlation and I don't have enough experience to know if it's significant or not ... I hope that someone who *does* Grok this stuff can tell me about it?! Thank you all and please go easy on me whilst we "Science the s#it" out of this observation!

Comment And the other aspects ... (Score 1) 185

If you remove the Apps that Apple lovers are fanatic about, you're forcing them to download them. Knowing a few Apple enthusiasts, I think they'd probably download the removed apps purely on the principle of the thing! So, I don't think this is particularly Green, whilst I can't exactly call it unsustainable, I think that it's not the path that big tech should be forced to follow. We're in this environmental problem because too many folk have over-looked the little things, and boy the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. It all adds up!

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