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Comment The real reason (Score 1) 295

I think its a combo of the crappy economy, but then again maybe the need for wide adaptation just wasn't there. I would think it is like any other thing, if the demand was there the supply would have ramped up and the costs would have gone down.

Comment I bet the publishers aren't happy (Score 4, Insightful) 150

No big publisher wants more to bring anything like a library back to life. Publishers had to have hated the fact that something like a library existed in the first place, and if digital publishing can wipe away libraries, you know they will be happy. A digital library is something that the publishers have to hate.

Comment Re:Disappointed (Score 1) 57

What if he felt he didn't need to check it. The company decided to do something, the public didn't like it, so they changed it. For a free game. I repeat that. For a free game. Anyway, I'm glad they apologized, but you can't always think someone who doesn't go along with group think is a troll.
Hardware Hacking

How To Play Poker With Your Rock Band Guitar 121

An anonymous reader writes 'Sean Lind over at PokerListings has written a really interesting piece on how to configure Rock Band (or Guitar Hero) instruments to use them as controllers for playing online poker. The instructions given in his how-to could really be used to configure the instruments for any game.' Or how about a genuine chording keyboard?

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