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Comment Re:Definitely irrelevant (Score 1) 457

Oh, and the government recently RESCINDED an apology for forcing Korean women to be sex slaves for Japanese soldiers during WWII. Why did they do this? BECAUSE "THE KOREANS VOLUNTEERED."

Hmmm... I was curious about this, so I did some digging. It looks like an official apology was issued in 1993, but that in 2007 Japan's PM Shinzo Abe made some comments indicating that the services of the "comfort women" were voluntary. Abe refused to re-issue a new apology, but did ultimately say that he stands by the 1993 statement.

Still... pretty shocking.

Comment Re:Omission is not always bias (Score 2, Interesting) 426

I'm not arguing that omission is always bias. It is, as you say, necessary for proper reporting. We rely on journalists to write articles of reasonable length, and make choices about what belongs in them. My point is just that it's possible to report "just the facts" and still end up with a biased article. You might disagree with my example, but surely you agree there is such a thing as biased omission?

Comment Re:What a good idea (Score 4, Insightful) 426

I think that bias creeps in most often in the form of omission. To continue with the Democratic convention, for example, someone who supports the Democratic party may choose not to report so much on the protesters outside the venue, or place this coverage closer to the end of the article. Newspaper articles are limited in length, so only the "most significant" information makes it in. Often the selection of what is important (by the reporter or his editor) allows for bias to creep in, however unintentionally.

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