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Re:A different take on the Matrix...  *Friday October 03, 2003 @11:33PM  1
   attached to Final Matrix Set for Synchronous Release
Re:Calculation errors on Mac!?  *Sunday September 21, 2003 @01:52AM 1 1
   attached to Drooling Over VA Tech's 1100-Node G5 Cluster
Whatever happened tothat Japanese project...  *Wednesday September 17, 2003 @12:56AM  1
   attached to College Freshman Builds Fusion Reactor
Re:At first,  *Sunday August 10, 2003 @11:08PM  1
At first,  *Sunday August 10, 2003 @11:04PM 1 1
   attached to Do-It-Yourself-Game-Console
I wonder...  *Friday August 08, 2003 @01:46PM 1 2, Interesting
   attached to The Future of Science Revealed!
Re:Bring back the firing squad  *Wednesday August 06, 2003 @10:12PM  2, Insightful
Re:I have never  *Wednesday August 06, 2003 @10:09PM  1
   attached to Former Intel Engineer Pleads Guilty To Taliban Aid
Re:no future then ...  *Wednesday August 06, 2003 @09:48AM  1
   attached to EU Says Microsoft's Abuses Are Ongoing
Re:I hereby declare any comments..  *Friday August 01, 2003 @10:54AM  3, Funny
   attached to OSDL Position Paper on SCO and Linux
Re:People can we step back a second.  *Thursday July 31, 2003 @12:23PM  1
   attached to SBC Fights RIAA Over DMCA Subpoenas
Re:my dear lord....  *Tuesday July 29, 2003 @01:31PM 2 4, Insightful
   attached to Specs for Sony PSP Handheld
Re:possible way to disable the rfid chips???  *Sunday July 20, 2003 @09:23PM  1
Re:possible way to disable the rfid chips???  *Sunday July 20, 2003 @09:02AM 3 1
Re:A losing battle against facial hair...  *Sunday July 20, 2003 @08:52AM 1 1
Honestly,  *Sunday July 20, 2003 @08:48AM 2 1
   attached to RFID Tags on Mach3 Razorblades Snap Your Photo
Re:this is why MSFT is not a stock to own  *Saturday July 19, 2003 @03:12PM  1
   attached to Microsoft Names Linux its Number Two Risk
Re:Not quite  *Thursday July 17, 2003 @04:09PM 1 1
Re:Huh?  *Thursday July 17, 2003 @03:18PM 1 1
   attached to On-line Documentary on Machinima
Re:Waste of money  *Thursday July 10, 2003 @04:42AM 4 5, Insightful
   attached to SETI Gains Respect, NASA Funding
Re:punishment fitting the crime  *Saturday June 28, 2003 @05:40PM 1 1
   attached to $180 Million for Piracy Conspiracy
My thoughts  *Tuesday June 17, 2003 @07:41PM  2, Insightful
   attached to Sen Hatch Would Like To Destroy Filetraders' PCs
What the hell?  *Sunday May 25, 2003 @11:13PM 1 1
   attached to Microsoft Talks Handhelds, Xbox Linux
Actually,  *Wednesday May 21, 2003 @10:37AM  1
   attached to 'Fantastic Voyage' One Step Closer

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