Yes that's exactly the problem. I am one of a small minority of computational biologists who use PostgreSQL for gene expression profiling, DNA sequencing and related work. PostgreSQL interacts very well with R, the most important tool for analyses in my field. Besides the data conversion issue with Excel, it also introduces the issue of "misaligning" data. You frequently have to put together information from multiple sources, especially public databases, and merge them into one table. A lot of people take these data from different sources sort them in Excel and then cut and paste them together. This is referred to as "aligning data." This is prone to error "misaligning data." The thing is that there is almost always a common value, such as an official gene symbol or an official protein identifier which are primary keys from their source databases. So the better way to do this operation is with a database join. SQL does, in fact, make many processes in bioinformatics both easier to do and more accurate at the same time. By the way, foreign key constraints have saved me from major blunders in data processing on several occasions. Imagine that.