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Comment Re:Looks Neat (Score 1) 81

As a 3521, Marine Organizational Diesel Mechanic, this would be invaluable, especially with MRAPs and up-armored vehicles. That armor is such a pain in the ass. However, this would, as it stands right now, only be really useful "inside the wire." Also, the problem this would produce is dependancy. When you're a line mechanic, not a warm and fuzzy shop mechanic, you don't have the time nor reasources to use something this high speed. If you become dependent on it, you're going to be pretty useless outside the wire.

Comment Oh please (Score 1) 1

Despite only being 11 soldiers, allegedly, I really hope this is enough for our president to finally back up is words on Iran. As a Marine, I really, really want a good battle. As a human being, I suppose, I hope that Iran gets out of Iraq without incident. As a realist, I think that Iran will stay, Iraq will do nothing, and so will the rest of the world. Just "strongly condemn Iran's actions."

Comment Re:BadOS? (Score 1) 175

I'm glad to see it's not just Chevrolet committing these kinds of mistakes. Calling a car the "No go" in Spanish is almost better than calling a phones OS "Bada". I'll share a little secret: if you're going to market something in a place that speaks another language, triple check the translation. No go, Donkey Kong, BadOS... the list is probably miles long.

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