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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:Anonymous communication  *Tuesday May 31, 2016 @11:59PM  2
   attached to Tor Browser 6.0: Ditches SHA-1 Support, Uses DuckDuckGo For Default Search Results
Re:Need to think of other ways of landing  *Sunday April 13, 2008 @01:41PM  5, Informative
Re:Ironic  *Sunday April 13, 2008 @01:32PM 3 2
Re:Let's hope this time...  *Sunday April 13, 2008 @01:27PM  5, Informative
   attached to NASA Selects Landing Site for Phoenix Mars Lander
Google owns the GMAIL mark, at least in the US  *Tuesday September 13, 2005 @12:24PM 2 5, Informative
   attached to New Legal Threat To GMail
Re:Stop listening to users  *Wednesday July 21, 2004 @03:26AM  2
   attached to Gnome 2.6 Usability Review
Re:How about 9800 + AMD64?  *Wednesday April 28, 2004 @02:59AM  2
   attached to Fedora Core 2 Test 3 Released
Beware: Cable TV coax shields are grounded  *Saturday April 24, 2004 @02:00AM  2
   attached to Video Projector for Home Theater?
Re:A couple of comments  *Tuesday December 30, 2003 @05:59AM 1 5, Interesting
Re:Question  *Tuesday December 30, 2003 @05:49AM  5, Interesting
Re:As with other airlines...  *Tuesday December 30, 2003 @05:43AM  3, Informative
Re:I propose...  *Tuesday December 30, 2003 @05:38AM 1 1
Re:Question  *Tuesday December 30, 2003 @05:34AM 2 5, Informative
   attached to Mars Rovers On Final Approach
Re:KG? Check this out..  *Thursday September 11, 2003 @02:06AM  2, Informative
   attached to Poll: How Massive is Your Computer?
Re:Exactly  *Tuesday July 22, 2003 @01:54AM  1
   attached to SCO Awarded UNIX Copyright Regs, McBride Interview
Been done since the 1960s at JPL  *Saturday May 24, 2003 @04:50AM 1 4, Informative
   attached to Mars Rover: Tumbleweed Models
Re:Multiple Options Apply  *Monday December 23, 2002 @06:10PM 1 1
   attached to Poll: Star Trek Nemesis
Re:What about studying?  *Sunday April 14, 2002 @03:15PM 2 1
   attached to Poll: It's a beautiful spring day. I am:
Re:Sounds wrong to me  *Wednesday March 06, 2002 @03:40PM  1
   attached to Abusing the GPL?
Easy enough to mod your COTS cd player  *Sunday November 18, 2001 @06:03PM  2, Interesting
   attached to BMG Backs Down Over Copy-Protected CD
Re:Hurry up and wait  *Saturday August 11, 2001 @02:26AM 1 1
   attached to Linux 2.4.8 is Out
Re:Digital Cable Sucks Ass.  *Tuesday July 24, 2001 @02:54PM  1
   attached to The Joys of HDTV
Re:Rip-proof this!  *Tuesday July 24, 2001 @02:10AM  1
   attached to Slashback: IPO, Protest, Ripping
Einstein said it best  *Tuesday September 26, 2000 @01:04PM  1
   attached to CueCat At It Again

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