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Seperation  *Friday May 07, 2010 @09:12AM  1
   attached to How Do You Handle Your Keys?
Re:There is hope  *Tuesday October 21, 2008 @09:28AM  2, Informative
   attached to Recovering Moldy Electronics?
Don't let the data leave your network...  *Wednesday May 21, 2008 @11:39PM  1
   attached to How Would You Prefer To Send Sensitive Data?
A way around it...  *Thursday May 15, 2008 @03:52PM  3, Interesting
   attached to Changing a School's Tech Disposal Policy?
Re:Use a 'fan center' to isolate when grid power d  *Friday May 02, 2008 @05:48PM 1 1
   attached to Hobbyist Renewable Energy?
Re:quite useful  *Monday December 31, 2007 @07:29PM 1 1
   attached to Ion-Mask Coating Could Make Waterproofing Electronics Easy
Re:The movie killed it  *Friday December 07, 2007 @03:53PM  2, Interesting
   attached to If There Was More Firefly, How Would You Want It?
Do no evil?  *Thursday September 20, 2007 @01:13PM 1 2, Interesting
   attached to Google Unveils Flash Ads
Re:Oh boo hoo  *Tuesday September 11, 2007 @12:30PM 1 1
   attached to The Morality of Web Advertisement Blocking
Tecnology is no substitute for proper teaching  *Monday September 03, 2007 @12:17PM  1
   attached to Effective Use of Technology In the Classroom?
Re:My experience  *Wednesday July 18, 2007 @11:51AM  1
   attached to Does Comcast Hate Firefox?
Re:A dry joint on thousands of units is a design f  *Thursday May 03, 2007 @05:10PM 2 4, Informative
Thank the European Union for this. Seriously.  *Thursday May 03, 2007 @04:31PM  5, Informative
   attached to Apple iBook G4 Design Flaw Proven
Ass Gum...  *Saturday March 31, 2007 @12:28AM  1
   attached to Best battle cry
Re:Missing Option  *Friday February 09, 2007 @11:48AM  1
   attached to What is your favorite government agency?
So just don't turn on the heater...  *Tuesday February 06, 2007 @12:32PM 3 2, Interesting
   attached to The Power Consumption of Modern PCs
Re:From Experience...  *Friday February 02, 2007 @02:50AM  1
   attached to Making Your Company More Visible at a Job Fair?
Re:First thought  *Wednesday January 31, 2007 @07:13PM  1
   attached to Aqua Teen Hunger Force Brings Boston to a Halt
Time for a new computer  *Wednesday January 31, 2007 @11:48AM 3 3, Insightful
   attached to Repair Computer, Repurchase OS?
Love Robot...  *Wednesday January 24, 2007 @11:47AM  1
   attached to 65% of Americans Spend More Time With Their PC Than SO
We are the axe, they are the dagger...  *Thursday January 18, 2007 @12:19PM 2 1
   attached to Journal Discussion: Anti-Missile Defenses For Commercial Jets
I think this guy is full of something...  *Monday January 15, 2007 @01:09PM  2, Insightful
   attached to Apple/NVidia Driver Bug — Question Deleted
I am already using Clearwire...  *Wednesday December 20, 2006 @02:33PM  3, Interesting
   attached to Companies Betting on WiMAX
Get a remote-site monitoring device  *Monday December 11, 2006 @12:21AM  1
   attached to How to Protect a Home When Away in Winter?

Good day to avoid cops. Crawl to work.
