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Comment Re:Won't run on my PC (Score 2) 207

I have Win 10 on my home desktop, and my work laptop came with Windows 11 installed. I was shocked that the taskbar was basically useless, and NONE of the features I used were available at all. Small icons? Gone. Full application title? Gone. prevent grouping of similar apps? Gone. System tray with all icons visible? Gone. I had to install a third party app just to make the damn taskbar usable to me. Why do they insist on REMOVING features?

This experience felt very much like Microsoft was trying to tell me "You are using the taskbar in a way that we don't like and you are wrong for it, but don't worry, we have removed those features so you can use it like everyone else does, regardless of whether you want to or how well it fits your use case and preferences!"

In fact, the only thing that seems like an upgrade in Windows 11 is that file search in Windows Explorer works all the time. Everything else feels like a downgrade.

Comment Re:UFO =/= Aliens (Score 1) 68

The problem with the term "UFO" is that it's poison. Historically and culturally, it has been misused interchangeably with "alien" for decades. You only have to watch a few minutes of Ancient Aliens to understand that when they say "UFO," they are indeed talking about little green/gray men, and not drones, sprites, auroras, STEVEs or any actual aerial phenomenon.

On a side note, I find the show hilariously offensive, in that it's basically telling us that we humans are actually quite stupid and not really responsible for our own technological advances, it was them damn extry terresticals!

Comment Re:Rationale from iRobot (Score 1) 22

I went through something similar back in 1998-1999, but the company WAS trying to do something legitimate, except they didn't count on everyone else figuring out how to do it. "It" being online billing. We got a lot of money invested, hired teams of developers, built a swanky new campus with miniature golf courses on all 3 floors and an amazing looking server room. I had a sign on bonus of like 10k shares that would vest in 2 years, struck at like $2.50 per share. Our IPO came 6 months later, and the stock shot up to $25 on opening day (I won a $50 bet with our CTO over this), and I was thinking "Man, life is great!"

A year later, we had lost a large number of clients, and our stock was hovering around $1.60 and it would have cost me money to exercise my stock because online billing is not a difficult task. A few years later and the company was gone completely.

Comment Taskbar fix WHEN? (Score 5, Informative) 44

The taskbar on Windows is COMPLETELY useless compared to Windows 10 for me. I want my small icons, no grouping and put the damn window names back! Having to click 3 times to get to a specific window is a PAIN IN THE ASS. Also, the stupid system tray does not show up at all on boot, I have to go into the settings for it and adjust *something* and then it's there. How does this shit get past QA? For reference, this is a brand new laptop that came with Win 11 on it.

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