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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 3 declined, 1 accepted (4 total, 25.00% accepted)


Submission + - Steal this film

SargeantLobes writes: Steal this film is the first part of a free documentary series about file-sharing. This part focuses on The Pirate Bay, and copyfighters Piratbyran.
From their website: "There have been a few documentaries by 'old media' crews who don't understand the net and see peer-to-peer organisation as a threat to their livelihoods. They have no reason to represent the filesharing movement positively. And no capacity to represent it lucidly."
"The film is free for you to share, watch on your DVD-player or on your iPod, or show in cinemas."
Torrents are available on their website, or watch part one, two, three and four on YouTube.

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