Comment At least my AOL mail account is still safe. (Score 1) 51
Nothing says l33t like handing out that address in 2018.
Nothing says l33t like handing out that address in 2018.
I don't know about that, TM-31-210 has a couple idiotic triggering mechanisms that can get you killed in a hurry, and whose only practical application would be terrorism.
"Energetic Materials" and "Energetic Materials in Application" are still still offered at a handful of schools in my state, but almost entirely for graduate students. Those used to be elective chemistry and engineering classes for undergrads during early 90's at the university I attended, but a slightly faster paced version was offered to graduate students or with department approval. I can't think of too may schools even then that offered those to undergrads back then, much less now.
School's have really taken the "fun" out of chemistry. I'm not sitting here advocating that we everyone needs to spend a couple semesters doing nothing but say fluorine chemistry (yet another thing they don't really welcome in the lab anymore, and maybe on this one I'll say okay, but someone has still to be trained to do it. Ticking time bombs in the sand bucket in the fume hood. Fun fun fun!), but until I had energetic materials chemistry ceased to be fun.
This whole discussion and the way its being moderated are severely turning me against continuing to use Slashdot. I've been a long time, probably 12-13 years on this account, and I don't even know when I registered the first one. I think we were on Suse 7.1 or so back then, which I actually bought the DVD + CD set for. I remember when this was a free place to discuss ideas, ideals, and even bring the occasional website crawling to its knees from the flood of traffic. Those were good times. Since about 2015 though, its drifted rapidly into this land of there can only be one right idea or ideal. SJWism has taken hold; even if there are still a large number who despite it, especially when stating that could cost them their employment. It doesn't matter if its a discussion about socks or a hurricane, people will find some way to make it political, and bring the worst of those elements into it.
There was a time when we elevated discussions, and moderators sought to. We could laugh at trolls, and simply disagree without the crud I see in so many threads now and use some of that to bring ideas to the table. We used to believe in freedom and pretty much in free speech. I'm sorry to see that era dying, but I cannot ignore that either. The end result wont elevate discussions. It wont draw new users in, and it will certainly push out long time users.
That is why groups like the: III%, Cajun Navy, American Freedom Keepers, Highwaymen, Riders of the Confederacy -- go out in groups, set up a base of operations with a logistical support network, and generally have some training. Many of them are also ex military, ex police, ex medics, worked in logistics, and many of them are techs as well. They also usually have human intelligence on the ground before they get there, tend to make contact with law enforcement when they arrive so they know who they are so they don't freak out with a mess of guys in gear show up. You don't want people to mistake you for an armed group of looters! They try to connect with businesses and church people ahead of going. They tend to take multiple forms of communications gear, extra fuel, and whatever other resource they can with them that might not be available that they can carry.
That does not mean its always perfectly organized, pretty, free from chaos, nor that it is free from danger. If your area of operations is bacteria infested water, that alone is a danger. It does not mean you cannot end up a part of the problem even after successfully being a part of the solution. Especially if there is no logistical support available to you easily beyond what you can carry. Situations can change rapidly. A levee breaks or a river crests or a road is completely washed out after you get in. Stuff happens. I've seen some of these groups do some pretty amazing things with what they have to work with. Sometimes that is the only support that will exist.
An example of that danger from Hurricane Harvey is where several people took the only good option available when effecting a rescue or bringing in supplies would otherwise have to be brought in by air -- the monster truck or 5 tons with very high intakes and exhausts. These could get into areas that boats could not, and other vehicles definitely could not. They were even in areas that helicopters would be useless in. However, wheels have wheel bearings. They don't perfectly seal. At best they can be packed with grease to keep some of the mud and cruddy water out. After a few days of operating these in that water while sometimes carrying in heavy loads of supplies and ferrying people out, they literally drove them until the wheels came off. The issue of logistical support being unavailable put at least one of them in a bad situation. They did way more good than bad, but not having that support when the rest of society is washing away down the river is never a good thing, especially when the waters are rising all around you and you cannot effect a roadside repair.
All of that being said: A lot of rescue, national guard and support organizations simply bypassed the smaller towns leaving them to fend on their own. The militias and other groups saved a lot of people, coordinated their own usually completely free of your tax dollars support of communities, ran and helped organize the only distribution points available, coordinated with other charities, trucking companies (which is what I did on this end) to get supplies in and help stabilize things. They also did it faster than government response and resources could allow in a great many cases. Many of them are sticking around for as long as they are financially able to to continue providing support during the clean up phase. Or at least sticking around until that mission can be handed off to someone else.
People having downloaded zello provided a way to communicate where people had little else. It also led to a fair amount of duplicate calls for assistance because not everyone is on the same networks. Its still a great resource to have. The more options you give yourself ahead of a crisis the better.
I agree. I'm not paying good money to have hollywood's multicultural and politically correct agenda rammed down my throat. Even on those rare occasions where that agenda is not as blatant the movie itself is usually geared toward lowering the values and generating a decline in the culture. I've largely given up on TV for the same reasons.
Too much Fa(r)cebook.
Seriously, the number of people who spend all their relaxation time buried in that pile of steaming shite and ignoring their partner is just astounding, no wonder no intimacy happens.... Especially, I have to say it sorry, women.
Its a little more than that, but that is certainly a part of it. I blame the smart phone. I thought I had a great marriage right up until my wife got an Iphone. Now admittedly I do spend a little too much time with computers and music gear. So I wasn't that worried about it when my wife first got her Iphone, but 6 months later I was genuinely lonely, felt ignored, felt like I could not a have a decent conversation with her, and its been a battle since. I try to have a conversation with her, she has to check this thing and wont give the courtesy of putting it away for all of it. I try to go places and do things with it -- we could be at an incredibly fancy restaurant sans kids and still has to whip this one (and yes, it might be limited to a brief snap of this to post about it, but its often not), I have sex with her and 30 seconds later that blue light is on. I can't even watch a movie with her without her checking it.
I even took the step of introducing a high voltage static discharge into her prior one. She simply bought another within hours. She is not a morning person, so to see her sprint up even before I did to rush out to the Apple store was disheartening. Coming up upon a decade and I decided to file for divorce now rather than risk my retirement to it.
Some people may have a less intense reaction to it than I do. It depends upon what speaks to you about being loved and feeling loved. For me its no different than choosing crack cocaine over your partner. 16 years together, the last 10 of them married.
Check this against the browser strings of those surfing Slahdot. Even as bad as Win 10 is I bet those numbers do a flip.
Waste disposal issues disappear if they're allowed to make next-gen reactors. Much less waste and much easier to store.
That is like the blind men with the elephant. You have a much larger problem than what you realize.
You've never been on a mining site. Nuclear waste needs to include the stream of unnaturally enriched uranium tillings, the water you destroy permanently to get at it from in-situ type mining, the area contaminated by good ol' wind in the processing, the waste generated during processing and further refinement to actually get a usable product, then you get to the plant itself, the daughter products, the fact that anything that actually runs water through it *leaks*, and everything else down the road.
Insane liabilities that are largely externalized, huge capital costs, higher electricity rates, and the risk of losing say 1/3 of the United States productive capacity in the event of a major accident. All of this for a system that even if it works out right produces hundreds of tons of radioactive waste for every hour that plant runs. Oh, you didn't figure the mining into your equation? Of course not, you think that stuff just magically appears at Wal-Mart?
The problem is neutron embrittlement of the containment vessel. There comes a time where it must be replaced and at that point all that's left is the steam infrastructure.
I would mod you up if I had the points.
The neutron bombardment literally causes hydrolysis, and the hydrogen actually penetrates hardened nickel steel! When this steel expands and contracts with thermal changes the steel literally has sections that pop out, sometimes resulting in cracks at joints or even along the entire plumbing -- including the pressure vessel itself.
There is a Swiss reactor that we literally refer to as the Swiss cheese reactor for this reason. The cracks there are not just in the plumbing, but the pressure vessel itself, and the pictures are truly frightening if you think about the age of that reactor and the proposed age of reactors here.
There is another issue though, its the actual concrete that surrounds the plant that is also subject to embrittlement; sometimes this is caused by things like salt water (concrete is porous), but its being seen now that areas near the reactor itself the concrete is breaking down in unexpected ways due to low level neutron bombardment. This is your containment vessel.
Three mile island is FAR from the worst case in America, but since you mentioned it.
Three mile island actually suffered a partial core meltdown. A lot of people don't know. Partial core meltdown, think about that for a second, and that only a single correct decision prevented that from becoming a full core meltdown.
Nothing happened? I think the people in the river valley region where they have seen 100-1200% cancer increases and for a few so rare cancers as to be improbable to happen its hard to calculate. Beyond that was it awful? No, but if you lived in the valley, when they vented their radionuclides -- those hung over the valley due to the lack of wind and the way the pressure fronts came together. It could have been a lot worse, and it was mere minutes from becoming a lot worse.
which is what the guy who just killed 10 people in oregon thought
congratulations, you're not part of the problem, you are the problem
the second amendment references a *well-regulated* militia. in today's language, that means well trained
*according to the will of the founding fathers* therefore, we must institution a policy of knowing how to use a gun, of being regularly tested, and trained BEFORE you get one. like a car
"but it's a constitutional right, not like a car..."
the fucking second amendment says WELL-REGULATED. well trained: our forefathers had a musket since childhood. they used it to catch game to eat, to protect form hostile forces on the frontier, to answer the call of community action in groups. they knew how to use a gun. the forefathers would not support any retard getting a gun just easy like that. they fucking said so: WELL-REGULATED, well trained
in the last century it's become about handguns, individual action, urban environments, and the focus on crime. so now it's about any asshole getting any gun he wants without the slightest fucking clue about how to use one? and we've completely forgotten the WELL-REGULATED (well-trained) part of what the founding fathers knew about guns. it is judicial activism from the last century and we need to get back to our constitutional roots. dirty harry is not the basis of the second amendment. the minuteman is. and he knew how to use his fucking gun!
"but criminals..."
hot heads seek the path of least resistance. if a gun is hard to get, they don't get one. as proven on all of our social and economic peers in the world. they grab a knife. which is far less lethal. they don't build bombs, because that's not a casual effort, that's a far more rare insane maniac. we're not preventing all massacers, we're only preventing 90% of them because guns are so easy to get. and easy to use and kill easily. that's the actual problem
Can insane people buy drugs? Are illegals a problem? Sex slavery? All of those are harder to smuggle than guns and explosives at the border -- especially our southern border! Do you think street gangs end up with fully automatic guns just by robbing FFL holders?!? Really??
John Allen Muhammad & Malvo (DC Snipers), Omar Sheriff Thornton, Aaron Alexi, Charles Lee "Cookie" Thornton, Christopher Dorner -- just to name a few!
By capita -- mass shooters end to ASIAN, e.g., Virginia Tech, and they tend to have higher body counts.
By strict definition 4 or more in a short span -- 16% of mass shooters are black. Roughly their equal with the population (a few points higher). However, if we include serial killers and multiple murderers in this -- the numbers skew black per capita in a hurry. Herd of the ZEBRA killings? Yahwey Ben Yahwey?
America has a race problem, not a gun problem. Its not polite to say it, buts its also accurate. Keep in mind for "white shootings" -- until this year hispanics were counted as white if they committed a crime.
Everything I have told you can easily be verified on HIGHLY LEFTIST Mother Jones, and the FBI UCR.
I'm older than many of you, and I have a longer memory.
I find Google blocking things to be highly annoying. Try the search of Google shopping for a confederate flag or battle flag of Virginia as an example.
I go to Bing, and the first results are relevant. It makes me wonder how many other things are being Google-Washed away. IMHO Google has hit the tipping point where it will start to drive users away to other search engines because of their corporate behavior.
This is mostly going to be a benefit to cheating spouses who lock their phones constantly. The tech is mildly interesting, but it would suck to get locked out your phone because of a minor burn or a cut while making a hoagie. I can guarantee that this stuff can happen even with that technology. Facial and fingerprint scanners have been notoriously bad, even when they spend the money trying to make a better one.
Now as to beating it -- I'm willing to bet a piece of paper with the print with some clay attached and pressed into the shape (roughly) of a finger) could fool it. They aren't as clever as they think they are.
Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better not refuse.