Things I want to see:
1. An Android tablet with a 1TB hard drive. Even if it were bulkier, or with a 4" screen and shaped like a 3.5" disk enclosure. I want an Android device with tons of capacity, that can be used as both a media player as well as portable photo/video offloading device - so I can quickly dump photos from my Vixia or Sony camera flash cards while I'm traveling.
2. Normal PC Laptop that contains a low-power ARM-based Android "accessory" PC that I can jump to (either full-screen via keypress or via client window under Windows/Linux), because let's face it - Android apps like gmail/yelp/fandango/gmaps/facebook/etc/etc/etc/etc/etc beats the holy living sh!tf*ck out of navigating their respective websites or apps (if they even exist), even without a touchscreen interface. In fact, I'm quite happy with bringng along my Motorola Lapdock and MK802 dongle in lieu of a laptop on many occasions - but having both in a single device would be beautiful. And better, a mode for booting up in Android only, only powering up the ARM board, screen and a few accessories. Off a typical laptop battery, that should run for days.