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Comment OCLP - a review. (Score 1) 32

I'm using Open Core Legacy Patcher to run Ventura on a MacBook "Mid 2010, 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo". Overall, very usable. A bit more occasional lags than with High Sierra on the same hardware. A few rough edges. The "Metal" API isn't supported: the only app that's stopped is GarageBand. BlueTooth doesn't work. Not sure if that's OCLP or my ancient MacBook. And System Settings keyboard shortcuts won't let you change the shortcuts. Other than that, all OK so far. I did installation to a new SSD (this MacBook lets you change discs) so I yanked out the old HighSierra one, put in the SSD and booted OLCP from USB stick. Took the opportunity to upgrade ram to 16GB. Needed a mouse and keyboard plugged in through a USB2.0 hub; the internal ones don't work immediately. Also need the external mouse and for any OS updates. And all OS updates are full >10GB downloads, not small patches for you! So, mostly OK, very usable, a bit fiddly in places, but not nearly as bad as I'd feared. I've got this MacBook in regular use, and one of the previous model (2.2GB Intel Core 2 Duo, 8GB, SSD) for my Mother. I won't be immediately going to Sonoma, I don't need all the fun of the bleeding edge, and I like MacPorts and that's got ld linker issues with Sonoma for the moment.

Comment Security? (Score 2) 20

I've just used OpenCore to install Monterey on a MacBook 6.1 (Late 2009) and I'm now evaluating: does it crash? does it run or crawl? So far so good. Any thoughts on how secure this is as a setup, can the OpenCore expose any new hackable targets,? Does going for a current OS mean I'm at risk of firmware/BIOS hacks?

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