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Comment To All The People Who Say Change The Game (Score 1) 207

I think the thing you are all missing is this:

Gold farming is what drives up the economies in this game to begin with. If you don't believe, try rolling a character on a brand new WoW server before the gold farming sites make gold available for them. The prices in the AH start out *very* reasonable, 10 silver for a stack of leather. But then Guy A starts to get greedy, and trys inflating the prices on their goods in the AH by placing his leather for 50s. Normally, this sort of action would result in the goods not selling, and being returned to the seller. In steps Guy B, who freshly purchased 1000 gold from Since he now has a surplus of gold, he has no problem in paying the 50s for Guy A's leather. The next time Guy A puts up all his leather, he will now sell it for 50s, and other people will follow suit. In steps Guy C, who wouldn't really think of buying gold initially, but feels he can't keep up with the prices of leather for 50s. Guy C goes to, buys 1000 gold, and the cycle continues. So you see, by buying gold, you are contributing to the problem which you claim caused you to buy the gold in the first place.

I also love how you keep bringing up one of the only expensive NPC purchased items in the game, an epic mount. This usually costs between 800-900 gold. Others are available for 640. A normal mount (which is slower admitingly) costs you only 90 gold, which is very easily obtainable by anyone. Simply put, this is not an item you *need*, it's something you *want*.

Lastly, consider that you probably are playing a genre of games that don't suit you very well. If you really are that unhappy about an aspect of a game, simply stop playing it.

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