Convince the manager that bringing in too many external people before significant progress has been achieved will result in ideas/credit being stolen. Therefore it is important to keep it under the radar till success is clearly attributable to the PM and his team. In a highly hierarchical and political environment this should generally work. Worked for me in the past.
The program she wrote but could not test. Did it work in 2002?
In most cases by the time a person has completed 15 years in IT, they have moved on to a managerial or quasi-technical role which needs a good grounding in technology but not hands on technical knowledge necessarily. There are a small number of people in their forties who are still coding, but they run the risk of age discrimination if they need to change their job. Everyone, including US/Europe employers looks for high energy geeks who can spend additional time on the job without encumbrances like wife/kids/home far away/relocation issues. Some of these issues get sorted out naturally simply by way of what employees are willing to pay for "programmer", where the job is and what benefits are available. If you are 40 plus you will be at a salary level which will make many of the programmer jobs unattractive. Of course, there will be a small percentage (10%) who will continue to do this till they retire, but they will be in the small minority.
The meek or dumb know the only way to rule the world is by using brute force of numbers to outnumber the smart ones. The smart ones will argue for democracy and the meek ones will inherit the earth. A two millennia old wisdom.
For a drop in the prices from MS to $50 below comparable Apple products. Just like Playbook.
If a geek like Paul Allen finds it confusing, I can imagine the plight of the layman user who upgrades from Windows 7 to 8.
He admits to having committed a thought crime when he was a kid. He also used the "k" word in his post along with the "b" word which is irrefutable proof that he is a bad person with bad intentions.
Why not use a recaptcha type of random number generator with hundreds of individuals writing their favorite three digit number and this being used to make a random number
He mentions the date as Friday the 13th, April 2029. When the date is about 18 years from now, what was the need for mentioning that 13th is a Friday. Now instead of focusing on science, there will be a bunch of people who focus on Friday the 13th.
|On Friday the 13th, April 2029, it will dip below the altitude of our communication satellites
The Personal Software Process (PSP) is a structured software development process that is intended to help software engineers understand and improve their performance, by using a "disciplined, data-driven procedure".
It sounds a little esoteric for programmers who like to code and not collect any data, but in my experience, it works.
"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain