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Comment Misplaced hostility (Score 2) 69

Is it just me that's surprised how many comments there are here expressing dissatisfaction about very intermittent and unobtrusive requests to consider supporting an otherwise free service that provides an invaluable service for free without ads or other potentially influencing sources of income? Aww jeez a 6 inch(!) banner!!! God forbid! Gah! They don't manage their money exactly the way that I would! If you want to support (you should) then happily do so. If you don't, just shut up and leach away! Either way don't forget that they are providing the most amazing service in the history of the planet. Other than Facebook, obviously,

Comment Re: Transform the industry (Score 2) 68

I've had some direct experience dealing with both Toyota and Tesla and their approach to automation. 100% completely incompatible. Toyota: study something methodically, systematically and comprehensively and get better over time. Win. Tesla: Just do it. Fail. Think about it a very tiny bit and then Just do it again. Win. Both good at certain things but a marriage would be the worst thing for both.

Comment Profit vs. achievement (Score 3, Insightful) 68

It strikes me that somehow Elon Musk has managed to chase principled objectives completely independent of financial performance and in a way that has completely fooled the people with the control of money to parting with what they have. Here's hoping that the ruse persists since the actual impact goes way beyond making people some money.

Comment Re:What's the question? (Score 1) 214

Agreed. The answer is "whatever makes you most happy" which could be "what will make me the most money" for some and "will get me to travel the most" for others and "give me lots of social interaction" for others and "let me get my elbows-deep in pig shit" for others. It's anybody's guess what will float this guys boat.

Comment Re:Yeah, it would be cool in an ideal world... (Score 1) 585

I use the 407 with the automatic licence plate cameras several times a year and never fail to get a bill. There is a service charge for not using a transponder so if you use it regularly they want you use the transponder - which seems to suggest that there is at least an increased chance of "no-read" with the cameras. I've never seen anything in the media regarding complaints of false-positives - I can nearly for certain say that this is extremely uncommon. I'm shocked that this is just coming down to you guys - it has been in place here for over 10 years! Jeez - auto-triggering and OCR on very specific number patterns was very possible in 1990!

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