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Comment Everybody Is Against 'Gun Violence'! (Score 2, Insightful) 497

It's over "Gun Control" where the reasonable debate happens.

The Left, ever the great manipulators of language, realized they had lost traction advocating "Gun Control," and are now rolling with "Gun Violence" as their fallback position.

The words have changed, but their loathing of the 2nd Amendment remains intact and unwavering.

Comment Re:Corrected headline (Score 5, Insightful) 328

The programmer trains the AI to see the N-word as hate speech. Fair enough. Then the AI reads the so-called "black twitter" where everyone refers to everyone else as the N-word, and the AI tracks it all as hate speech. Also fair, it's a goddam computer, not a socio-linguist. Ditto the Q-word for the so-called "LGBTQ twitter." Fair, and fair.

Hysterical. But fair.

Comment Re:Good for them (Score 1) 79

There should be a minimum age requirement for writers of "Tech Culture" articles such as this. But because game culture writers are just one tick below music reviewers on the journalism pecking order, we will forever be getting these painfully-latest-jargon-ridden analyses by some 20-something about the most amazing online experience ever! that was previously done to death and then some back on CompuServe.

Comment Weenies Who Hate the Science of Evolution (Score 1) 203

Both Left and Right have them: The Evangelicals who think the world is 5,000 years old, and the Animists who believe that every species should be preserved, no matter the cost. Both sides refuse to acknowledge evolution. It is amusing to note how many of the self-righteous latter are so critical of the former.

Comment Re:Religion? Google's Religion is Money (Score 5, Interesting) 356

And the Puritans thought liquor was pretty dangerous, too, and actually outlawed it here in the 1920s. Prohibition was an enormous failure, back then, because you cannot legislate morality. You can, however, today, hashtag something from benign to "evil," because most all of the sheep are corralled in the same social media/mainstream media pens. In the end it is not a government ban on Porn that should scare you, it's the SJW turning of Porn into a thought crime that is the real danger.

Comment Religion? Google's Religion is Money (Score 5, Insightful) 356

Porn has nothing to worry about from the Right, and knows it I even read someplace that Utah is the state with the largest number of porn downloads, on the average. Porn *IS* terrified that the #MeToo and #KillHarvey and whatever other movements percolating up from the feminist Left that demonize the objectification of women will begin to impact porn consumption.

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