Comment How does he comply with Planetary Protection? (Score 1) 275
The top three places in the solar system that we should not contaminate with Earth microbes, by international agreement are:
* Mars
* Europa
* Encladus.
This means it should be top priority for any Mars mission to show that you will not contaminate it with Earth life. Otherwise that would make study of Mars biology somewhere between hard and impossible. Since we can't totally sterilize any robots yet - they use a target probability of 1 in 10000 of contamination per mission (and in case of Mars that's been turned into guidelines without need to calculate probabilities because we know so little about habitability of Mars so far that the calculation is impossible).
After a hard crash on Mars, of a human habitat with hundreds of trillions of microbes, with the solar storms and ability of many microbes to create resistant dormant states - and many retaining extremophile capabilities - you'd surely declare Mars contaminated after that.
Any detection of life anywhere on Mars, your first guess would be, a colony established from spores spread from the human habitat crash site. And life could grow on Mars - just last year we got clear evidence of "warm seasonal flows" in the equatorial regions (previously found in a few rare spots in higher lattitudes) - and so far the only hypotheses for these are - some form of liquid, probably salty water on the surface.
What is his solution to this? We need to know, so that we can start to evaluate it, and look at it carefully to see if it works, and to find issues with it well in advance of his mission?
* Mars
* Europa
* Encladus.
This means it should be top priority for any Mars mission to show that you will not contaminate it with Earth life. Otherwise that would make study of Mars biology somewhere between hard and impossible. Since we can't totally sterilize any robots yet - they use a target probability of 1 in 10000 of contamination per mission (and in case of Mars that's been turned into guidelines without need to calculate probabilities because we know so little about habitability of Mars so far that the calculation is impossible).
After a hard crash on Mars, of a human habitat with hundreds of trillions of microbes, with the solar storms and ability of many microbes to create resistant dormant states - and many retaining extremophile capabilities - you'd surely declare Mars contaminated after that.
Any detection of life anywhere on Mars, your first guess would be, a colony established from spores spread from the human habitat crash site. And life could grow on Mars - just last year we got clear evidence of "warm seasonal flows" in the equatorial regions (previously found in a few rare spots in higher lattitudes) - and so far the only hypotheses for these are - some form of liquid, probably salty water on the surface.
What is his solution to this? We need to know, so that we can start to evaluate it, and look at it carefully to see if it works, and to find issues with it well in advance of his mission?