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Comment I am getting a degree so I can get a promotion. (Score 1) 504

For what it is worth, I have been in IT for 17 years now. But I have been having a hard time getting into the management level. Now I am in school so I can get a BA in Management. I have no real interest in an IT degree, it won't do me any good. I already have the experience in IT.

Comment TSA are NOT Police Officers (Score 1) 1059

I think one of the biggest misconceptions is people believe that TSA agents are law enforcement officers. They are not. They are armed Mall Security guards. That's it. If I roll into a "checkpoint" or some other area and there is no cop backing the TSA up, I plan to tell them to honestly go F themselves for the most part. At the airports I can't do anything but outside, I think its a free for all. This has never happened to me yet but if it ever does I'll report back.

Comment Don't get mad...but... (Score 2) 200

I plan to DISCOURAGE my kids from a career in IT. If I could do it over, I would have never done this. It's not fun anymore, it's corporate ran, innovation is disallowed and the 1-800 number to call customer support is far more important that easily disposable employees. Up until around 2001, having of crew of guys to build the network, code, admin support is now down to the bare minimum to call support. I'll teach my kids IT in general, but I won't encourage it as career choice.

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