I don't if any of these games are in violation of copyright laws but I do know that just because it is for sale does not mean that it is a violation. You can get e-books for works out of copyright for authors such as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and W. Shakespeare from archive.org and Project Gutenburg but it doesn't stop books stores from selling them anyways.
I imagine that the copyright laws governing these games are subject to where the foundation for archive.org is established. So if they established the foundation in a country that doesn't have draconian copyright laws like the US, but instead where it is something reasonable like 20 years then I believe that all of these games would be clear.
People's rights were respected. First, the residents were asked to to stay in their homes. Secondly, the searches were voluntary and law enforcement went door-to-door and asked to search the premises and the residents willfully co-operated.
To be honest, I was fully expecting the state and local government to throw out everyone's rights in the name of expediency and serving the greater good and was pleasantly surprised when it didn't happen. Although it is still early, I haven't heard of any incidents where law enforcement was overzealous and trampled on anyone's rights.
Parents should be the ones making these decisions instead of the government (Australia anyone?). This goes to the heart of the argument regarding censuring content and who's responsibility it is to decide. Adults should be able to decide for themselves and parents should decide for their kids. It is up to each parent to decide what is and is not appropriate for their kids and to determine the best way to do it. Saying that the poster is enforcing fascist policies on his/her kids is the same argument that a government uses when trying to implement censorship laws on its citizens: you know what is better for them more than they do.
As for the technical question: Most of what you want to implement can be done through an off-the-shelf router that has had the firmware flashed with DD-WRT. You can set up individual profiles for the MAC address of the kids laptops that limits the times that they can access the internet, and when you ground them you can disable access completely via their individual profile. It also has some VERY basic web filtering. You have to have/buy a router that is supported by DD-WRT, but you can get one pretty cheap. The ASUS 520GU is supported and it usually can be had at NewEgg for around $40. If want more robust web filtering you can set up a linux server and run Dan's Guardian & install Nagios for hardware monitoring.
but what about all the other porn & violence our kids should not be looking at on the 'net?
First of all, as a parent, it is my responsibility to make the decisions about what my kids should and shouldn't have access to. It's not their responsibility to decide what is best for my family, and it certainly not yours. If I want to censor my kids' internet experience, I can buy net nanny software and select the categories and sites that I decide are important. Also, the more you tell someone that they can't have something the more they want it, especially with kids. If you try and block access to porn & violence they will make it their life's mission to get access to it. Its usually better to talk to them and let them know why certain things are not good for them so that when they do access it they will put your words together with what they observe and realize that what you are telling them makes sense.
Second, I could be mistaken but I don't believe there are any countries where child pornography or bestiality is legal. I think we can all agree that both acts are so disgusting that they shouldn't be tolerated, so it should be relatively simple thing to set up a system where such sites can be reported so that they can be verified and shut down. I know it's not that simple, but it's easier than setting up and maintaining a nationwide web filter using these things as a pretense to strip away my rights.
Third, I am not a kid. I am an adult and can make my own decisions about whether I want to watch porn or violent shows. How does a nationwide web filter know how old I am? It doesn't and it's just a pretense for someone in power to impose their narrow values on me.
Your whole argument is that this nationwide web filter is a waste of time & money because it doesn't do enough to suit your narrow paradigm of right and wrong. Why do you think that you get to decide that kinky, watersports, scat and BDSM porn should be blocked? Just because you don't like these things doesn't mean that you have the right to prevent others who do from watching them. I don't understand why you lump these things in with child pornography and beastiality. If a kid sees a plain-vanilla sex scene on the net that involves a man and a woman, is it any different? What if its features anal sex? How about 2 women? Group sex? Do you consider some professional sports too violent and need to be blocked? Mixed martial arts, boxing, hockey and American football all can be very violent. Or is it OK because they don't involve guns?
If I don't like something then I don't watch it. Its lazy, narrow-minded, non-thinking people like you how have bought into the "think of the children" BS that are making it easy for the government to slowly strip away people's rights.
December 9, 2009. CodePlex Foundation Launches Search for Executive Director, Technical Director Moving to meet its 100 day goals, the CodePlex Foundation today announced that it has launched a search for a permanent, full-time Executive Director and Technical Director. Individuals chosen for the positions will guide the Foundation in its mission of facilitating the participation of corporate software developers in open source projects while providing a channel of communication from the open source community back to software companies.
This is dated 12/9, a full ten days before the 100 day deadline. Besides, how often does a large scale foundation ever stick to its original schedule?
Nobody said computers were going to be polite.