Comment Re:So much for a fair trial. (Score 1) 1855
I agree to most of your post, the man would never have stood an open trial it would give him too much of a platform to discuss his dealings with the CIA.
I agree to most of your post, the man would never have stood an open trial it would give him too much of a platform to discuss his dealings with the CIA.
Although you are being funny I would like to point out that in the past the term England was used to refer to the whole of Britain, including the barren wasteland to the north.
Unfortunately you look at it with Capitalist eyes, if everyone can produce goods at home we would be tending towards a more socialist society, sorry USians I know that is blasphemous.
You don't need to have an email address to have a google contact, if you don't have any contact details then what's the point in importing them.
How is a URL on a stamp going to get you to a web site?
I think you may be confusing belief with faith, I have faith that the meaning of belief is what I believe it to be.
I never seem to get mod points any more but I sall mod this +6 spot on.
You seem to be a little late realising this, Iran was a healthy democracy until they decided it would be in their best interest to control their own oil. Then of course a regime change was required.
Film has meant "a series of pictures that appear to move when viewed in quick sequence" for many years you may not like it, it may not be totally logical but thats is the way English works.
Btw I never call it a motion picture or a movie, I have always called it a film.
Microsoft don't have any rights past being able to do business under the laws present in the market, the laws have changed in the EU if Microsoft still want to sell products in the EU they will either conform to the new laws or stop seeling in the EU.
Noone is forcing Microsoft to do anything, but if they want to be a part of the EU market they will have to abide by its laws.
You only have one left toe, you only have one right toe, all the others are somewhere in between, having ten toes and all. What you may be thinking of is feet, those we have two of one left and one right.
I guess that we are the bad guys for invading Iraq and Afghanistan.
You had mail, but the super-user read it, and deleted it!