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Comment One request only (Score 2) 142

My request of Firefox is that it should be able to render any page that Chromium-based browsers can render. Quite often I have to switch to Chrome for complex interactions. Perhaps it is popup blockers or ad blockers or something, but I don't think that is always the case. In any case, if there are choices I've made that are causing trouble, that should be possible to learn. Long before AI gets involved, I need coherence among the browsers as to what pages they can render.

Comment Not BI's first rodeo (Score 1) 370

I don't think I've ever read a story about a basic income experiment that did not rate the effort a success. This means either that everyone who writes about these things is a gullible fan of the idea, or that it has a lot of merit. In a world where it may be possible to meet people's basic needs with automation and robotics, the need to redefine the value of the work ethic is increasing.

Comment Text search in results? (Score 1) 46

Can you do a text search of the full results of a Google search? This would permit the rare occasion when you need to find a needle gem in the haystack of ads and otherwise useless returns, when looking for an obscure fact about the world or some object or issue. Otherwise, one normally doesn't scroll too far into search results, I agree.

Comment Alternative to consider (Score 1) 112

I have been quite happy with the aspects of Avira products that I can measure, which unfortunately does not include how effective it is at reducing intrusions. The price is OK, the performance is quite good in terms of daily compute load, and the user interface for configuration and monitoring is trouble free. This is also a non-domestic product for US users, emanating from Germany.

Comment It's hard to understand S curves (Score 1) 209

Back in the day, in Silicon Valley's heart (Palo Alto), you couldn't go 10 feet without seeing a Toyota Prius. Visiting the Midwest, a Prius spotting was cause for a newspaper article. Despite all the hand-wringing about the failure of the EV trend, we are in fact in a similar situation. Today on a typical Northern California street, 8 out of 10 vehicles on the street and in the driveways were either full battery EVs, hybrids including plug-ins, or Volvos (left over from a previous fad.) There was even a fuel cell car there. EV's have just begun to penetrate the rest of the US. In ten years, this experience will be common across the country. To achieve this, Tesla and even the other companies that are currently losing more than the retail cost of each car on its manufacture will be successful in providing tens of millions more of these vehicles. The current dip is massively temporary, if I might so speculate.

Comment One more reason to stay with Firefox, even tho ... (Score 1) 163

Firefox remains my browser of choice, if only to maintain diversity of species in my environment. Unfortunately, either they have not fully kept up with emerging standards, or Chrome is implementing some features beyond the standards that more commercial sites are using. Often I need to make the switch to get things to work.

Comment Pleeeeze don't throw me into that brier patch (Score 1) 90

I can think of nothing more pleasant than the option of a YouTube without recommendations. Actually, I spend most of my time using their "Subscriptions" page, which shows you only the videos made by channels you subscribe to, in reverse chronological order. No cats on keyboards or fashion guides in sight.

Comment What does he know that Adam Savage didn't? (Score 1) 83

This myth was extensively explored in a much larger experiment by Mythbusters back in the day, employing an entire middle school's population to wield the mirrors, with quite disappointing results. I think I'll go with their findings, when it comes to the next naval battle I'm involved in.

Comment Nooooooo! (Score 1) 186

That voter wants standard time all the day long. This voter, who values evening light more than morning light, wants the opposite. If we go to standard time, we should also adjust work and school schedules to compensate (8-4 rather than 9-5, with lunch at 11, for example.) It's all relative, after all. But it's this tension that has always accompanied the issue, and it's why nothing happens. There are two groups of us pulling in exactly opposite directions, as to where the clock should be "stopped."

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