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Comment Re:Savers get more from their capital (Score 1) 91

We're not taking about human beings here, we're talking about corporations. Since the corporate mandate is "maximize profit" no matter the side effects, it's exactly like the behavior of a psychopath. The "rational" economic actor is an overt lie, and it offers cover for those like you, who are in fact on the psychopathic spectrum.

Comment Fines and charges (Score 1) 18

I purpose $100 fine and 1 misdemeanor charge per record. The fine is charged to the organization and the criminal charge to the individuals involved.

The fine will wipe out the company. That many charges, even if not felonies, will put a real dent in anyone's ability to do any transaction ever again. And proving a misdemeanor is a piece of cake.

Comment So an LLM/AI zealot says AI will win (Score 1) 67

This post has zero information. It's like confidently predicting that the sun rises in the east. If he had said that AI/LLM solution would have any problems under any conceivable conditions ever that would be news.

He is a 100% blue pill guy. The only question is did he use AI/LLM to generate the answer. Since there seem to be no hallucinations or odd turns of phrase I would guess not. If AI/LLM is the ultimate tool that does everything,why isn't he using it for this obviously trivial task? He's not eating his own dog food.

Comment Re:"Disinformation" Is a Catch-Phrase Clue (Score 2, Insightful) 68

So there are actual Marjory Taylor Greene level Jewish-Space-Laser conspiracy nut casres on Slashdot. Not much of a surprise given the low barriers to entry needed to post here. All that's required is the ability to type and not losing the scrap of paper with your login name and password. And a computer.

I know I shouldn't feed the troll, but I can't help but wonder if the space aliens who have taken over your toaster are still trying to convince you to take off all your cloths and go to the nearest power transformer/gateway to another dimension and visit their home planet.

Could someone with mod points put this part of the post out of it's misery and mod it all down to -11, including me? It's to protect the innocent children.

Comment Real time fascism in America (Score 1, Interesting) 68

This is how fascism attacks democracy, happening in real time in the US right now.

It's one example of a nationally organized plan to intimidate individuals and interfere with organizations that are opposed to Trump's fascist Republican Party. In Texas the fascist Republican Attorney General Paxton raided Latino grass roots organizations doing get out the vote efforts.

In Florida the AG hired external lawyers to write cease and desist letters to news outlets showing advertisements for an abortion rights state constitutional amendment:

For Mark Walker, chief judge of the U.S. District Court for Northern Florida, that’s a clear violation of the stations’ and Floridians Protecting Freedom’s First Amendment rights: “To keep it simple for the State of Florida: It’s the First Amendment, stupid,” Walker wrote.

This is just the first stage. There will be both US state and federal level attempts through the legal system to interfere with the election by Trump supporters. Before election day there will also be voter intimidation and outright violence. It's all part of the fascist playbook.

No matter who wins, there will be significant violence between now and the inauguration. It's obvious that Trump will call for violence if he loses. He knows he will end up in jail, so he will whip his followers into a frenzy to try to take over the government. Even if he wins his most fanatic loyalists will start lashing out after he wins, because why would they wait? They have lots of guns and lots of people they want to eliminate.

I expect this to be modded down to -1,000,000 for obvious reasons. Fascists react badly to be called out.

Comment Re: So what? (Score 1) 154

You said the quite part out loud. It's white supremacy that drives this fear.

Ironically, what counts as "whiteness" has changed over time. When the Irish showed up in the mid 19th century they weren't white enough because they were Catholic, and the earlier wave of English speaking Protestants felt threatened. As for Italians, they were also Catholic and "too dark". (See the film Gangs of New York.) Now many of their decedents are MAGA-heads screaming about "Mexicans".

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