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Submission + - Surprisingly, some Dyson spheres and ringworlds can be stable (phys.org) 1

Required Snark writes: In the realm of science fiction, Dyson spheres and ringworlds have been staples for decades. But it is well known that the simplest designs are unstable against gravitational forces and would thus be torn apart. Now a scientist from Scotland UK, Dr. Colin McInnes, has shown that certain configurations of these objects near a two-mass system can be stable against such fractures.

For the restricted ring, McInnes found that there are seven equilibrium points in the orbital plane of the dual masses, on which, if the ring's center were placed, it would stay and not experience stresses, akin to the three stable Lagrange points where a small mass can reside permanently for the two-body problem.

McInnes restricted this research to a planar ring (in the plane of the circularly orbiting masses) but says it can be shown that a vertical ring, normal to the plane, can also generate equilibria. For example, one such point is a vertical ring with its center at the midpoint between the two masses.

Comment So this is some kind of AI, right? (Score -1) 8

So it's Deep Brain, and all of these deep learning things are AI and are an investment opportunity and if I don't invest in it or use it then I'll be left out and be a looser so I better talk about it and pretend I'm an expert so I'll be cool even if I am clueless.

It wouldn't be on Slashdot if that wasn't true, I'm so smart for being here.

Comment Re:Begging Hitler for help? (Score -1, Flamebait) 105

They were right in both cases. It is perfectly legitimate to advise the government about an economic sector's financial interests.

And yes, it is also appropriate to compare Trump to Hitler. His administration is overtly acting like the Nazi Party did wen it ended democracy in Germany.

Your comment seems to imply that groveling to the government in order to avoid arbitrary punishment is the only way to protect ones interests. That is true in a dictatorship, not in a country with free speech. (See previous paragraph.)

So do you have a swastika tattoo, a KKK tattoo, or both?

Comment Re:The conservatives (Score 1) 171

Assuming that political leanings are inheritable traits is wrong. It smacks of Lysenkoism.

Having said that, it is overtly the case that MAGA Republicans have embraced anti-intellectualism as a fundamental tenet of their cult. They proudly reject scientific information and embrace overtly false propaganda. Can you say alternative facts?

Effectively MAGA makes people stupid. Rejecting facts and objective reality cripples reasoning abilities and is equivalent to intrinsic lower intelligence. Their attacks on the educational framework in the US is proof of their rejection of thought and reason. Here is a real time example from Florida: Lawmakers: Drop rule that high schoolers pass algebra, English exams to get diplomas. It's already the case that 40% of Florida high school students fail these tests, so instead of fixing the system they want to drop the requirement. This is the institutionalization of ignorance.

Comment What's the backroom deal? (Score 4, Insightful) 95

The only way this happens is if there is some hidden coordination between Microsoft and the CPU vendors. There's a quid pro quo going on.

Microsoft gets revenue from new licenses, has more lock in to the latest Windows release, and reduces cost by eliminating support for CPU variations. Chip vendors also benefit from forced upgrades and having an excuse to cut their very low end products and move to more expensive chips.

This how cartels extract guaranteed profit by controlling markets. When there's no effective competition, i.e. no free market, they can collude and charge what they want.

A captive market is every capitalist's dream. The controlling players compete within very constrained limits and the only question is how the pie is divided between the entrenched parties. They win, consumers loose.

Comment This can't happen with AI/LLM written software (Score 3, Funny) 73

It is the perfect magic wand/genie out of the bottle/off-shore coder with a CompSci PhD from MIT. It's the ultimate almost zero cost solution to get rid of all living breathing programmers on the entire planet. Just trust the people selling it. High tech capitalism with promises of insane profit and zero flaws always succeed. Always.

Just remember the triumphal success of Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos or Sam Bankman-Fried at FTX. You could be as rich and successful as those founders are now if you invest soon enough, or stake your business on AI/LLM systems that guarantee success. The only way to loose is not do AI/LLM. Trust me.

Submission + - Thailand shuts power to Myanmar's scam hub (youtube.com) 1

Required Snark writes: From the South China Morning Post.

Thai authorities have cut off internet, power and fuel along the Thailand and Myanmar border in a bid to thwart the operation of scam centres there. The move on February 5, 2025, came amid growing pressure for Thailand to do more to help clamp down on the illegal compounds that have ensnared vast numbers of people from many jurisdictions. The Thai Provincial Electricity Authority disconnected power supplies at five points along the northern border, including Myawaddy in Myanmar’s Shan state.

The scam centers have massive power backup and may also be able to tap power from Laos. Hundreds of thousands of people have been trafficked to work at the centers.

Comment Re:Can we extend this? (Score 1) 68

Have you heard of a people who call themselves lawyers? When there are conflicts these lawyers got to places called courts and have trials based on laws.

So imagine some moron who thinks that AI is "better than 99% of software developers" makes an AI generated product that harms a large number of people's property or physical self. That whole courts/laws/trial thing exists to punish that bad actor, compensate the victims and hopefully keep these kinds of events from reoccurring. It can get real expensive and sometimes the perpetrator even goes to jail.

Saying human beings are worse is a non-starter in this environment. With actual programmers there are processes, procedures and some kind of document trail that can show due diligence. With code magically appearing with a wave of an AI/LLM magic wand how can it be argued the system was correctly built? A claim of AI infallibility will go no nowhere. No amount of planning and testing can replace the fact that humans operate in known ways and can be shown to be trustworthy or to have failed.

Naming an AI/LLM after a revered computer pioneer doesn't make it work better. Making claims of near perfection about software where the internal workings are completely opaque is utter stupidity.

Comment Re:Elon Already Is (Score 1) 105

"normally everyone in the White House (other than the VP and president) is required to be held to an ethics requirement"

The requirement is moot. No one in the current White House is ethical, honest or moral. Everyone who supports them is just as dirty and personally corrupt as they are. The swine are all in the same hog wallow.

By the way, don't forget to "grab em by the pussy".

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