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Comment Re:longer than the life of a hard drive in order . (Score 2, Interesting) 291

Wait what? I have an enterprise WD drive installed in my home PC with a 5-year warranty. As far as reliability, In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, I was working at a college whose campus was across the street from the gulf of mexico. One of the professor's computers which was recovered had a WD Caviar Drive in it. Due to location the thing was under sea water for 10 hours. Circutiry on the underside was corroded, it shook salt when you tapped it, and smelled like dead fish. After a lot of sad grinding sounds, Symantec Ghost had made a working clone of it in 20 minutes. No file loss. In normal operation, many of our (past warranty) WD drives worked like a champ as well. I will also admit our newer seagates never had a single issue, but the older models were less reliable than the aptly named Quantum Fireballs.

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