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Comment Re:CEO Can't Figure Out How RadioShack Still In Bu (Score 1) 413

I'd just like to send a big thank you, AC, for posting this. I usually skim /. comments but I slowed way down to saver every richly satirical line (and so spot-on too). I'm glad to see you re-posted it from the Onion because, as I read through it, I kept thinking there's no way in hell anybody could quickly pound out such a gem off the top of their head.

PC Games (Games)

Witcher 2 Torrents Could Net You a Fine 724

An anonymous reader writes with this quote from Eurogamer: "Gamers who download upcoming PC exclusive The Witcher 2 illegally could receive a letter demanding they pay a fine or face legal action. If gamers refuse to pay the fine, which will be more than the cost of the game, they could end up in court, developer CD Projekt told Eurogamer. 'Of course we're not happy when people are pirating our games, so we are signing with legal firms and torrent sneaking companies,' CD Projekt co-founder Marcin Iwiski said. 'In quite a few big countries, when people are downloading it illegally they can expect a letter from a legal firm saying, "Hey, you downloaded it illegally and right now you have to pay a fine." We are totally fair, but if you decide you will not buy it legally there is a chance you'll get a letter. We are talking about it right now.' Interestingly, The Witcher 2 will be released free of digital rights management – but only through the CD Projekt-owned digital download shop That means owners will be able to install it as many times as they like on any number of computers – and it will not requite an internet connection to run."

New York To Spend $27.5 Million Uncapitalizing Street Signs 322

250,000 street signs in New York City feature street names in capital letters only, which is not the national standard. Having no other issues on the table, The New York City Department of Transportation has decided to fix the problem and put up proper signs featuring both capital and lower-case letters at a cost of $27.5 million. The Transportation Department hopes to have the job completed by 2018 with 11,000 of the most important improperly capitaled signs fixed by the end of the year. Catastrophe averted.

Doctor Slams Hospital's "Please" Policy 572

Administrators at England's Worthing Hospital are insisting that doctors say the magic word when writing orders for blood tests on weekends. If a doctor refuses to write "please" on the order, the test will be refused. From the article: "However, a doctor at the hospital said on condition of anonymity that he sees the policy as a money-saving measure that could prove dangerous for patients. 'I was shocked to come in on Sunday and find none of my bloods had been done from the night before because I'd not written "please,"' the doctor said. 'I had no results to guide treatment of patients. Myself and a senior nurse had to take the bloods ourselves, which added hours to our 12-hour shifts. This system puts patients' lives at risk. Doctors are wasting time doing the job of the technicians.'"

Comment Re:Their priciples (Score 1) 72

A correct reading of the US Constitution / Bill of Rights would render the coalition's four principles both obvious and binding (with "should" replaced by "shall"). Unfortunately, the Justice Department continues (even under Obama) to press for policies that violate the US Constitution. The Justice Department, for example, still claims under the Obama administration that the government should be permitted unfettered access to real time cell phone location data on any citizen, at any time, for any reason, and without court order. I voted for President Obama but his track record to date on behalf of the citizens of this country is very poor, and in foreign policy he is a virtual Bush III.

No, don't hold your breath waiting for the Justice Department and/or the Obama administration to take any significant initiative to protect the privacy rights of citizens. The Digital Due Process coalition's goals are laudable, but they will get nowhere with this or any future executive branch. These issues will ultimately be decided by the US Supreme Court.

Comment VDM Publishing has nothing on Philip M. Parker (Score 1) 190

VDM Publishing has nothing on Philip M. Parker, who has been doing something similar for years on Amazon with publicly available studies and reports. Go to Amazon, select books, and type in Philip M. Parker in the Amazon search bar. You’ll see that he has over 107,182 “books” for sale on Amazon, the vast majority of which are little more than on-demand reprints of publicly available data (much of which is accessible on the web for free). In many cases there are hundreds of such “books” for sale by Philip M. Parker in which the only difference between them is the title and a short introduction. A reviewer who purchased one such book wrote in Amazon, “This book is nothing but a glorified dump from someone’s internet search.” And, yet, hundreds of thousands of such “books” are available on Amazon, many of which are no doubt purchased by unsuspecting customers.

Now try this: With the same Philip M. Parker book search in Amazon, use the “sort by” feature and sort by price, high to low. Sitting at the top of the heap is “The 2007-2012 World Outlook for Grapes,” for $795. Indeed, it turns out there are thousands of $795 “books” for sale on Amazon by Philip M. Parker.

There is a lot of sleaze lurking just below the surface at Amazon, mostly from its Marketplace Sellers. Unfortunately, as long is it helps rather than hurts Amazon’s bottom line, Amazon seems quite content to let sleazy sellers ply their wares. Take, for example, the Amazon Marketplace seller Mysilverfox. When new DVDs come out, Mysilverfox typically lists them for sale in all three categories: new, used, and collectable. And for the "collectable" DVD, Mysilverfox typically charges 2x, 3x, or more over the list price of the DVD. Now, I wonder how many naive people buy the “collectable” DVD? I suspect the number is much higher than one might intuitively think.

I have more, but this is starting to turn into a rant, so I’ll sign off now.


8-Year Fan-Made Game Project Shut Down By Activision 265

An anonymous reader writes "Activision, after acquiring Vivendi, became the new copyright holder of the classic King's Quest series of adventure game. They have now issued a cease and desist order to a team which has worked for eight years on a fan-made project initially dubbed a sequel to the last official installment, King's Quest 8. This stands against the fact that Vivendi granted a non-commercial license to the team, subject to Vivendi's approval of the game after submission. After the acquisition, key team members had indicated on the game's forums (now stripped of their original content by order of Activision) that Activision had given the indication that it intended to keep its current fan-game licenses, but was not interested in issuing new ones."

Secret Service Runs At "Six Sixes" Availability 248

PCM2 writes "ABC News is reporting that the US Secret Service is in dire need of server upgrades. 'Currently, 42 mission-oriented applications run on a 1980s IBM mainframe with a 68 percent performance reliability rating,' says one leaked memo. That finding was the result of an NSA study commissioned by the Secret Service to evaluate the severity of their computer problems. Curiously, upgrades to the Service's computers are being championed by Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, who says he's had 'concern for a while' about the issue."

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