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Comment make aluminum foil burn (Score 5, Interesting) 147

that's what i have found so far. normally you cannot use aluminum on an induction cooktop, probably because a thick layer of aluminum is equally as conductive as the copper inductor in the cooktop, however a thin layer of aluminum can be brought to hover itself away from the cooktop and / or begin to glow if held in place. my cooktop took no damage from trying this but of course - don't try this at home

Comment suggestion for further research (Score 1) 183

I would love to see a correlation chart between space weather (x-ray, proton flux) and radioactive decay. far more precise measurements (decay rate per minute) may be required. I wonder when the solar influence is strongest: while the solar flare is developing within the sun, when it erupts on the surface, when the solar flare becomes visible on earth or even only when the proton-storm hit's the atmosphere. this should give a first guess to what is causing the effect and I would not even rule out some quantum effect that translates faster than the speed of light. maybe we are just witnessing the effects of somthing that might one day become subspace communication ;-)

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