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Comment Re:Happens more often than you would think (Score 1) 67

That was my thought.

If they are going through tons of different processes during an upgrade, they are making tons and tons of changes, and the logs will fill up.

I know I've had a server stop working due to runaway log files at least once...until you find the 'Delete log files when they get X big' features.

Comment Re: Can some IT/CE person weigh in here? (Score 1) 67

I may be working on a different scale than you...but I am given VMs to work with. They almost always under-spec the VMs, and I need to ask for more disk, and more memory.

The admins don't understand why I keep 6 versions of a database during development, and I don't understand why they can't just give me 10 times more storage. We usually have a back and forth for a couple of months before things get sorted out.

This has been going since we moved to VMs, rather than me just having the entire disk capacity available to me.

Comment Re:Reddit? What's that? (Score 1) 167

You're right about when things started to go downhill big time.

Reddit used to be a platform where millions of different opinions could be represented.

Then during the Ellen Pao era Reddit started to try to control the message, not just provide the platform. Some opinions became 'correct' while others were demonized.

The platform should have been left open.

Comment Re:Reddit? What's that? (Score 1) 167

You're a bit wrong.

Pushing reading and education is white supremacy, because setting the expectation of standardized English is how white people retain their power.

I agree with the rest of what you said.

But reading and education using standardized English is not woke. Not woke at all. You need to stay up on this stuff!

Comment Re:Is everything at Google a 20% project? (Score 1) 117

You don't need to bring your Xbox on a business trip. Xbox has Cloud Gaming, which has the huge advantage of not being yet another Google boondoggle. It's from a company that actually wants users to be part of it's service for the games- not for the user-data it collects.

Maybe the Saudi's will buy Stadia- seems like the perfect match.

Comment Re:Spinning the wheel of chat apps (Score 1) 35

First- you're right. Google is going to blow this big time.

It reminds me of Skype. Microsoft had Skype, then they added 'Skype for Business', and they were incompatible.

The second time someone in my organization was on the wrong Skype, and unable to get into a conference, we had to dump Skype because it was too complicated.

And slightly un-related, but if you can figure out the different versions of Adobe Lightroom, and what the names mean, you must be a genius. Because that program suffers from the same incomprehensible naming scheme.

At what point do tech companies lose the ability to make sense? Is it based on market cap?

Comment Re:M$ BAD LOLOLL (Score 2) 51

I might be a fool...and that's okay.

But I love it when I can find something I need on the Microsoft Store. It's way better than looking for software elsewhere, and needing to determine if I'm downloading the real version of the software, or if it's fake/malware.

I don't need to worry about the updates, etc.

My experience with the Microsoft Store is that it is easy and painless. I wish they had more stuff there.

Comment Killed part of my career (Score 0, Flamebait) 100

Windows 8 killed part of my career...

I moved up through the ranks and became the IT Director for a 1,500+ employee operation. I was being pushed/encouraged to make changes, modernize, take control.

I went all-in on Windows 8.

And...well, people hated every single bit of it. My previously stellar reputation was dragged down massively. Conference rooms that previously were rock solid, suddenly had lots of technical problems. Remote staff had tons of problems, and I had people driving around to fix things. I tried to hire a contractor to help- that ended up being a boondoggle.

None of my awesome promises came to fruition and I ended up leaving that job in shame. Damn Windows 8 still causes me to cringe.

Comment Re:For how long? (Score 1) 19

No...users simply drop them and stop using this disorganized mess.

If you have an iPhone, you FaceTime. If you have an iPhone, you expect Android users to FaceTime.

I have an Android phone. Duo *should* be somewhat the accepted standard, but it is not. If I ask other Android users to use Duo, generally they don't know what I'm talking about. Instagram is better for video chat than Duo. (and it's not good)

Google has done the same thing they always do- screw over the users as they chase another rainbow. People don't migrate, people use other platforms (Zoom) because they make more sense.

Comment Re:Sure (Score 1) 58

I used to own a business....and your post is the real story.

I owned a print shop. I could get an idea of how a business was doing, based on what they ordered from me (and how they paid). I knew when someone was in trouble.

The reasons they would give for going out of business were always just the immediate issues. The real reasons were always evident much earlier.

Pro-tip- if business every says, "our credit card system is down right now" that 99% of the time means they are having problems with the bank, and closure is imminent.

Comment Re:hmmm (Score 2, Interesting) 45

I was thinking this too.

I was in the Army. I hated wearing a flak jacket, or a kevlar, or web gear. MOPP sucked, and so did just about everything else.

If they threw on some video screen that had some semblance of excitement, I would not have minded at all.

I lived in a hole for months, and literally had parts of my skin rot. I don't think a HoloLens would be hard 'no'.

You KNOW they will figure out how to put porn on it. In fact, the only thing that would keep me from using it, was if it already smelled like some other guys cum. If so, I'd go into my NBC bag and get one of those alcohol wipes.

This story, and the support for the story, is for people who haven't spent time in the military. Damn civilians.

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