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User Journal

Journal Journal: Extremism is mainstream on the internets. 1

The web is a great place for free political speech. It is also a beautiful informational tool. But if you are looking for total anonymity, the internet is not great. It does, however, give people the feeling of total anonymity and that is the perfect environment to see people as unfettered, morally unrestrained, emotionally spastic versions of their public face.

Puzzle Games (Games)

Submission + - Old islamic tile patterns show modern math insight

arbitraryaardvark writes: "Reuters reports Medieval Muslims made mega math marvel.
Tile patterns on middle eastern mosques display a kind of quasicrystalline effect that was unknown in the west until rediscovered by Penrose in the 1970s.
"Quasicrystalline patterns comprise a set of interlocking units whose pattern never repeats, even when extended infinitely in all directions, and possess a special form of symmetry."
It isn't known if the mosque designers understood the math behind the patterns.
page 2 of story."

Submission + - Registerfly - do you know where your domain is?

hookmeister writes: "If you registered your domain at, then you should know it may be locked, and you are at the moment unable to access it through's website. The story as a video. You may even have an un-renewable situation where your domain expires into a status known as redemption through no fault of your own. By all accounts there are just under 2 million domains at risk here, ENOM dumped them as a reseller, Its a Mess... Once clue is that thier SSL cert expired.

Fortunately there is some good news. The Principals in this are trying to restore order. A website (originally crafted as a gripe-zone and forum for regsiterfly users) has gotten inside the ranks of the Regsiterfly management shakeup, made some friends and connections and is creating a back-door problem reporting form that goes directly to those that can correct a domain problem. (The RegisterFly support ticketing system is clogged with thousands of Un-answered complaints.) Go HERE and get at the top of the list, or follow it as the situation evolves."

Submission + - UK: Blair Dismisses Online Anti ID-Card Petition

Anonymous Coward writes: "Elected Dictator / Prime Minister Tony Blair has responded personally via e-mail to 28,000 online petitioners opposing the UK's planned identity card scheme, and has closed the online petition. The e-mail reads: "We live in a world in which people, money and information are more mobile than ever before. Terrorists and international criminal gangs increasingly exploit this to move undetected across borders and to disappear within countries. Terrorists routinely use multiple identities — up to 50 at a time." ..."ID cards which contain biometric recognition details and which are linked to a National Identity Register will make this much more difficult.""

Submission + - US trains new ELITE Swedish anti-piracy policeunit

soulxtc writes: Never one to let its interests anywhere in the world go unprotected, the FBI and the MPAA have teamed up with the Swedish govt to create an elite corps of Swedish anti-piracy police. In an effort to help stamp out pesky Swedish pirates, FBI agent Andrew Myers and the MPAA have given a group of six Swedish police officers extensive training on how to effectively combat piracy and catch people who engage in illegal downloading from the internet.

Submission + - Linus calls GNOME "limiting"

lisah writes: "The flame wars between Linus Torvalds and the GNOME community continue to burn. Responding to Torvalds' recent claim that GNOME 'seems to be developed by interface Nazis' and that its developers believe their 'users are idiots,' a member of the Linux Foundation's Desktop Architects mailing list suggested that Torvalds use GNOME for a month before making such pronouncements. Torvalds, never one to back down from a challenge, simply turned around and submitted patches to GNOME and then told the list, '...let's see what happens to my patches. I guarantee you that they actually improve the code.' After lobbing that over the fence, Torvalds concluded his comments by saying, 'Now the question is, will people take the patches, or will they keep their heads up their arses and claim that configurability is bad, even when it makes things more logical, and code more readable.'"
User Journal

Journal SPAM: Vanuatu cargo cult marks 50 years 2

Residents of the South Pacific island of Tanna worship an American "messiah" named John Frum who first appeared to them in the 1930s. According to a village elder quoted in a recent Smithsonian article, John promised to someday return and "he'll bring planeloads and shiploads of cargo to us from America if we pray to him. Radios, TVs, trucks, boats, watches, iceboxes, medicine, Coca-Cola and many other wonderful th

Feed Polar Lakes and Global Warming (

Previously undiscovered lakes under Antarctica may help improve our understanding of the interaction between global warming and the melting icepack. Plus: New climate accord sought. By the Associated Press.

Feed Water on Mars: New Evidence (

Photographs sent by a NASA orbiter suggests that water may indeed be flowing on Mars. And where there's water, there's at least a chance of life. By the Associated Press.

User Journal

Journal Journal: [parenting] Immunizations 8

I guess I'll start my own tag of [parenting] to let folks know, incase they are severely brain damaged and don't want to hear about the [mis]adventures that my wife and I experience raising our son.

Todays topic: Immunizations.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: The 'Paravirtualization Top Ten'

Paravirtualization Is...
10) The chute that would have saved you if you were skydiving in a videogame instead of real life
9) The thing that safely brings a soldier from the aircraft to the ground after freefall, if we were in a pretend war
8) The feeling you get when you're dreaming about your last vacation to Tahoe in the summer when you were attached to a large kite being pulled through the air by a boat
7) An error in the space-time continuum that will ultimately lead to the e

Input Devices

Journal Journal: I want the perfect coffee maker! 4

Apparently, Americans drink something like 20 gallons of coffee per person per year; that's fine, but I guess I'm driving up everyone else's quota, because I probably have a cup of coffee every few weeks, on average.

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"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen
