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Comment Re:Lighting on ships... (Score 1) 240

They have them in Victoria, BC as well. However, overtime the ones here have turned purple. The glass formula used for prisms contained magnesium.

However, I wouldn't say that this is the same thing as a pop bottle skylight at all. Glass blocks cost money and must be installed by a professional. The pop bottle is waste garbage that is free and can be installed easily.

Comment Re:handy (Score 2) 184

No it's not boneheaded at all. The US would obviously only launch the rockets containing the copper filaments in the case of a communications failure. That is during an attack in which the soviets were able to knocked out American communication the copper filaments would be launched and be used as a backup.

Seems like a smart contingency plan to me.

Comment Re:Finally! (Score 3, Insightful) 327

Good! Take profits from the worst companies and use it for good. Nothing wrong with that- else-wise someone else will just take those profits.

The arm of the foundation charged with investing and growing the fund should simply chase the best investments without any restriction or influence from the charitable arm. It would be stupid not to.

Comment Re:Excellent; (Score 4, Insightful) 362

The reason the penny costs so much to keep in circulation is not solely the cost of minting. If a penny costs $0.02 to mint but is used in 10,000 transaction in it's life time that would be ok.

The problem with the penny is that they don't get spent. The mint needs to keep producing new ones for retailers to give out and people go home and throw them in a coffee can.

Oddly, this is the exact argument in favour of $1, $2, and $5 coins. People don't spend coins as easily, they tend fall between couch cushions or collect in jars. Until those jars are emptied, and the couch cleaned those coins are basically a kind of interest free loan the government.

Comment Re:Most users are not geeks (Score 1) 108

Clearly the law is misdirected. The law, if needed at all, should require web browsers to explain cookies and how to manage them upon install and on their start-up pages.

Perhaps, even require web browsers to make it easier to view cookies by domain or something. A standardized icon that you click which shows you all the locally stored information for a particular site.

Or maybe something akin to the "lock" icon that shows up when a site drops a cookie and clicking on it gives you the option of viewing and deleting (rejecting) the cookie.

Comment Re:Don't forget housing and condo boards (Score 1) 735

No it goes to the bond payments to pay for all the infrastructure in their new McMansion subdivision. That's the new way of building stuff. Instead of the developers and/or the city paying for things like streets, sewers, lights, electrics etc (and then recouping the cost from property taxes and sale of the houses) the developer/city issues a bond registered against to the new properties titles (or the HOA which is then registered against the property titles.)

They then sell the houses and the owners must pay $200 or whatever per month for the next 30 - 40 years on top of the cost of their houses. It basically supplements the property tax.

Comment Re:Extremely expensive (Score 1) 735

Seems like a good investment.

If you invested that $17,000 at say 11.1% (average stock market returns for the last 80 years) you would make $1,870/year. About same amount your are saving per year.

At the average return of the S&P 500 - 9% your $17,000 would generate only $1,530/year.

I'm not sure what the total life of your panels are and what maintenance costs may arise but even when you take into account the opportunity costs of the money it seems like a solid 10%+ return.

Comment Re:And yet... (Score 0) 2987

If I was there with a gun things *would* have turned out differently. To be clear, I live in Canada and I don't own gun nor do I want to. However, had I been there with a gun either I would be dead or I would have killed the gun man that's for sure.

If two or three or five armed people were there then one of them would likely have killed this lunatic before the death toll could rise to this level.

Comment Re:Censorship (Score 1) 369

Those were the lazy mean parents. They yelled at their kids a lot when they were around but then genuinely didn't look after them. The strict parents of kids I knew always knew where their kids were. Always knew who their kids friends were and were diligent about having their kids call home and tell them what was up. They would never be able to get away with getting near alcohol poisoning because their parents would literally show up at the party and take them home. If they did skip out somehow then they wouldn't be grounded for quite a while.

I'm 30 now and looking back the kids that had somewhat strict parents are the ones who are doing well now. The ones who didn't are in the messed up group.

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