Comment "Woke mandates" (Score 1) 163
I see the word "woke" continues its march to mean "anything we don't like". Although I guess fiber does use TRANSceivers.
I see the word "woke" continues its march to mean "anything we don't like". Although I guess fiber does use TRANSceivers.
It's almost as bad as Texas?
It's unsurprising that 25 year old hard drives are failing. It's surprising, though, that no one's done anything about it before now. Audio files are not large. Hard drives in 1999 were, what, 30-40GB at most?
Current state of the art for backup is LTO-9 tape, which is 18TB to a tape, and the tape costs around a hundred bucks (less in bulk). That means 600 90's hard drives could be backed up to a single LTO-9 tape. The most expensive part of the process would probably be connecting the hard drives and copying data off of them, but once you've done that, it's easy to make multiple LTO copies for essentially no cost, which lets you store them in different locations, etc., and the fact that they'll take up maybe one thousandth of the physical space/weight has to lead to pretty good savings over time.
LTO tapes have at least a 30 year lifespan, and they don't fail all at once like disk drives do, so just plan to copy the data onto new (larger capacity) LTO tapes in 15-20 years, and you're golden. That no one has thought of this for 25 years, and just allowed these hard drives to sit around and rot, is pure negligence.
Trillions of megabytes, huh? Too bad there isn't a more convenient unit we could use.
Mandatory arbitration should be banned. It shouldn't be possible to sign away fundamental rights to legal recourse.
It will be highly decentralized once the entire Trump family flees to a wide variety of countries across the world with no income tax and no extradition treaty with the US.
And Trump Steaks!
Honestly, this is kind of a genius move. Trump is a con artist, of course, and crypto's pretty much a fool's game to get into at this point, but Trump has a huge following of low-information people who also happen to be mostly older white people with at least some money, and they all take his word as gospel. He'll likely be able to scam them out of millions if he can pull this off (and he doesn't go to prison).
Are you insinuating the RAM in the Apple Silicon Macs is somehow not real RAM? Configuring the machine with enough of it is a different issue, but it most definitely is real RAM, and very fast RAM at that.
Silicon Valley tech bro, infinite growth grindset, disrupt everything, we're smarter than everyone else culture is a mental illness, and the end result is Elon Musk, the world's most divorced asshole, and this kind of stuff.
No, AGI is defined as AI in the general range of human intelligence (or better). Your definition does not match any used in the field.
This is just more self-aggrandizing flim-flam about "when we create a superintelligence, we're going to need this", when these dumbasses are actually nowhere near creating AGI at all, and all this noise is just an attempt at distracting everyone from that.
When you're Ashton Kutcher and the most memorable creative pursuits in which you've been involved are "That 70s Show" and "Dude, Where's My Car", then yes, I guess AI slop looks pretty attractive.
Is it really fair to call Magic Leap a startup? They've been arond since 2010, finally showed some hardware in 2018, disappointing everyone, they've gone through like two restructurings/mass layoffs, but somehow keep raising funding without really having released any products to a wide audience. "Failure" seems more appropriate at this point.
While AV1 was partially developed as a successor to VP9, which is owned by Google, AV1 is developed openly by a consortium that includes Google, Amazon, Cisco, Intel, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Netflix, Samsung, and Nvidia. It's already in wide use, if you watch Netflix on a device that runs Android TV, for instance, you're likely watching AV1 video.
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith