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Comment Fighting piracy, the stupid way (Score 1) 404

Instead of going through all this, they should probably revisit their pricing/licensing scheme, piracy is nor such a big problem in developed countries with high income rates, it tends to be very common (meaning ubiquitous) in third world countries, where they sell Win7 for USD$ 250- 300 which is a huge portion of the yearly income, and also they have no upgrading licenses.
They should get real and offer licenses to people at prices in line with their country's per capita income, it'd be easier and more efective than forcing legitimete users to go through annoying and sometimes crippling processes.

Comment WTF? (Score 1) 637

What about more hours of awesome? I went through the whole CoD MW2 in three or four days and really ended up wanting more, I don't care for multiplayer, I'm an analog and digital antisocial and I enjoy the months long Far Cry or Borderlands.
Games are not movies, You want them liying in your hard drive waiting for you to go back go on with the story. This is just a marketing ploy and astroturfing to make people believe that people are ok with this, and I really don't think they aren't going to really cut the prices.

Comment OK but how about some real realism (Score 1) 186

I read TFA and I agree in part with the author and see his point in that there's terrain to be really creative and crazy, but most games tend to try to emulate reality, but as other commenters have said it's only limited realism. But how about a game that was ultra realistic? and I don't mean graphics, I mean things like permanent death real shot tracking, real struggling for goals, and fight for survival, not just collecting stuff lying on the floor, and most of that stuff is already there in different types of games. Will it be difficult? sure, sometimes very much so, but some people find that fun, there's no game that appeals to everybody anyway, and I guess many people will like that as much (maybe a lot more) as magically healing an AK 47 shot with a syringe . Would you?

Comment Re:Time to say goodbye to Diablo (Score 1) 591

Yeah same here, I'm a geek, I'm not social in real life nor in games, I want to play single player. I'd guess the games market is a place where people like me is fairly common but still they market most games for their online perks... but what do I know about marketing anyway. Funny thing is that you will be able to get a pirated version that works perfectly well for single player (starcraft II anyone?) and with this policy they are only encouraging this, when there's proof that there can be nicer yet profitable ways to sell games.

Comment Everything can be cracked (Score 1) 547

They think by turning all the market to digital downloads or, furthermore, all rented stuff that you don't really own and/or can be switched off is the answer to have total control and do as they please, well here's the news: Digital content is easily copied and distributed, and as we have seen to date, everything can be cracked / circumvented / ripped
I think this kind of move where you get pushed and forced to do the big companies bidding will only lead, as it always have, to increase piracy.
People is not going to let themselves be pushed around with unfair charges and conditions and countermeasures are more at hand than ever.

Comment Not a standard? (Score 1) 515


Number two,it's not a standard [HTML] . The way I say it's not a standard is if you take any of the most popular web browsers and point them at a specific HTML page, they'll all produce different results.

This is not because HTML is not a standard i'ts that some browser makers don't care to support it because (their marketing prople think) they can get more economical benefit from nor doing it, just like this guys pontificate about the stuff they create as being the most wonderfulest when it's so blatantly obvious they're primarily motivated by the profitability not the quality or the accessibility, for them standards are good as long as they're the ones ho make it. They could as well be working at apple and give the exact same answers, just replace one trademark for another.

Comment Re:Interesting (Score 3, Informative) 259

This could laughable if you are very superficial about it, but economical success or hype is not necessarily related to a good product, actually if you could perform a really impartial feature by feature (design, software, usability, DRM, format management, compatibility, value, etc) comparison between music players I'm sure the iPod will not come as the best, so back in the day, minus the hype and the financial success, the comment is actually quite logical.

Comment Magic (BS) (Score 1) 206

I've been working with digital images for a long time and I can tell you this: this is too good to be true
You can't get professional results even when trying to interpolate 5% extra data, and even though I guess this is not oriented to professional quality images, it will just make crappy images good enough to recognize the points of interest, it will be acceptable to that point but then there's the Obama sample, I have seen the printed image (in the dead tree version of the mag) and it certanly looks faked, there's some detail that couldn't have beeen retrieved, not with the current algorithms, actually as some have pointed out, the lapel pin data is not present at all so how could you recreate that, sounds to me like something more from the realm of magic than math, hence fake!

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