This is a bunch of hog-wash. The Antartic ice has steadily grown each decade over the last 33 years and is at an all-time high. The cause of the recent melt off in the artic is due to storms pushing the ice into the lower latitudes.
As a matter of fact NOAA is showing 28% more ice than the 2007 minimum. We have only been monitorinf since 1979, so we are in reality talking about 33 years of monitoring.
Current Arctic ice shifts are not "proof" of man-made global warming, nor are they unusual, unprecedented or cause for alarm, according to multiple peer-reviewed studies, data analyses and experts.
As a matter of fact there is evidence in Russia that the artic ice coverage had been far lower in the 1930s.
So what does this mean? it means Hansen is a fear mongering scumbag, the media is clinging on his every word, and we should be skeptical about all these extremist claims.
I have a netBook running Linux. I also have Verizon FIOS and guess what? I can run FireFox and access anything on the internet. Nothing is preventing her from getting on the Internet other than her ignorance.
This woman is a silly strawberry who would probably fail her class due to inhanced mental density.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. -- Albert Einstein