Comment Re:Free will is an important part of the experimen (Score 1) 202
So, by way of experiment, we're going to put two naïve naked people, wired for curiosity, into a lush garden, tell them to eat anything except for one thing, and when they (predictably) eat the verboten thing, jump out from behind a bush and yell "gotcha!". Then let them be cursed with painful childbirth and early death. And not just them, the perpetrators . . . but also the countless generations of progeny they've been ordered to put forth (miraculously, since they have only themselves as a breeding population . . . oh, except for those unexplained people in Nodland to the East) until the experimenter gets tired of it all and wipes the program . .
This sounds less like an experiment, and more like a soap opera written by the Marquis de Sade and directed by Alan Funt.
As for what an SDLC instructor would tell 'god'? Probably, "Do module testing instead of trying to debug the whole system."