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Comment Re:Time to grade on a curve (Score 0) 282

Yeah because people who go the gym read studies, apply them at the gym, and then remember what they did and forget what they read. Plus the research lags behind the training by 5 to 10 years.

Fat people read studies that confirm their helpless view of their situation and squirrel them away for the day someone suggests they go to the gym. Curiously all the people who are at the gym all the time are thin unless they’re on some insane bulking diet. I gues they’re all just big dieters when they leave.

Comment Re:It should be treated like any addiction (Score 1) 282

Because fat rolly pollies are the same people with their hands on the wheels and knobs that control public discourse. Addicts left, right, and center. Each with it’s own take on why it’s ok to eat lasagnaburgers 3x a day and sit on their butts.

* Some distant relative of mine did habit X and died old

* People used to eat this all the time

* People around me are just as fat, what’s really wrong are body standards, probably because of porn

* I found a collection of articles that each justify a different shitty lifestyle choice i hold dear

* I live in/ my family does this because its tradition to be a fat fuck

Comment Re:Time to grade on a curve (Score 1) 282

I’m a total gym rat and used to get like 12x dollar menu chicken sandwiches or a whole hot and ready pizza after I worked out, sometimes this was in addition to drinking an entire gallon of milk a day and eating normal food.

I’ve also eaten fairly clean at times but basically through all of it I had a 31 - 33 inch waist. When I was lean you could see striations on my muscles and see them twitiching after workouts. When I was bigger you couldn’t see that stuff but I was still pretty low bodyfat.

They keep telling people that they need to diet to lose weight because people are too fucking lazy to dependably go into the gym and burn calories and trigger muscular hypertrophy in a way that meaningfully impacts how much of their food ends up in their asses and bellies.

As for exercise being an appetite suppressant. Lmao! The craving for food after a good workout is something out of a transformation horror movie. The feeling of absolute bliss as you eat a whole rotisserie chicken and serving of potato salad bare handed after a few bong rips is better than heroin.

If its better than heroin why do people use heroin? Because it’s easy to get a bag of heroin and smoke it. It takes something to sit in a gym making yourself miserable for 3 hours.

Finally as for running marathons or whatever. Dude a walking desk treadmill can burn 1000 calories in a day.

And no I’m not some genetic anomaly I wasn’t athletically gifted as a teen and was dumpy. I got in shape in the military and learned that I’m pretty much better in every way in that state and it seems to do more for my ADHD than pills so I pretty much gotta live this way.

Comment Re: I worked harder than you. (Score 1) 199

Hahaha i have a cushy tech job and I got a sneak preview of how I’d get treated the second anyone thought they could get away with it. I post daily on here because my work generates an order of a magnitude more profit than I get paid. Seriously you’ve probably used something I wrote at least this week.

I was a Boatswain Mate in the Navy which is one of the hardest jobs, I won’t say the hardest because the engineering folks so a lot of hot dirty work and run fire drills at 2am but if somehow misery was accurately measured across Naval rates I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it was the worst.

I handed out toilet cleaning duties as a reward see you got to listen to the radio in the AC and had guys who were happy to be on extra duty because the work was easier even if it was supposed to be punishment for the rest of the Navy we were always still awake and working on something worse, I had guys come back from the USMC disciplinary training camp bright eyed and bushy tailed as if it were a vacation, guys coming back happy as shit after 3 days solitary bread and water in the brig. I’d find guys ready to jump into the ocean tears running down their faces, another was going to jump from the mast. Two attempted to slit their wrists on the same night for unrelated reasons. I myself had some sort of fractured rib through half my enlistment and often went without sleep. The longest stretch I went without sleep was 4 days, no drugs but burned coffee, I’d hallucinate as real as your screen in front of your face now and start sleeping the moment I stopped moving. I’d like to tell you it was for something important but it was about scheduling issues, training drills, watch, and a few whims from the CO over dust in the corners.

Before seals became their own rate this was the number one seed rating for EOD, SEALs, and SWCC.

So toughen up princess.

Comment I worked harder than you. (Score 2) 199

I used to be a boatswain. It was incredibly hard work. Bleeding hands, broken bones, days without sleeping.

I worked my way up to cushy tech work, went to school, and I can tell you that right now you’re licking the boot on your face. Fighting the good fight so some failson can be your boss and collect the fruits of your work.

That’s abnormal.

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