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Comment Former hater took the bait... (Score 1) 330

I was a hater who mercilessly poked fun at other smartwatch wearers. Then I found a Samsung Gear S2 refurbished for $99 and that got me to bite. Biggest benefit for me is now I don't have to pull my massive Note 4 out of my pocket as often and can even put it away for most of the daily tasks. When I travel I rely mostly on my watch to get the notifications and decide whether I want to handle them on the phone or can even handle them right then on the watch and that's well worth $100 to me. Seems Samsung got the Tizen thing right in not trying to get the watch to do too much and fail. It's the right size (doesn't look like I'm wearing a frying pan on my wrist), it doesn't look like a "gadget" that's overly distracting, and it gets 2.5 days of battery with my usage. When I considered the value proposition of a smartwatch previously, at $250+ the benefits didn't make sense. But the combination of my use case and the price I was able to get on the "right" device (for me), makes it a win for me. If that was the case more broadly, they would become more widespread.

Comment Re:OR (Score 1) 227

Dialing the Bush policies to 11 is not "doing what he can" and it's definitely not "Change" (TM). A Trillion went into those "shovel ready" jobs that turned into union handouts (which in turn become Democrat campaign funds), laptops for everybody that nobody needed (my wife's employer county govt, for example), turtle tunnels, ad nauseum. An excuse to spend monopoly money that didn't exist until they hit the "print" button, and we spend our real dollars to pay the interest on it. Solid work there.

Comment What is the future of advertising? (Score 1) 235

Answer that, then go from there. The TV world got turned upside down with the advent of digital cable. When TV networks started getting real feedback of who's actually watching and how long, instead of the WAG Nielsen ratings, that caused a panic among the TV and advertising industries. That's about the time reality TV and their lower production costs started really taking over, because you couldn't count on the same amount of advertising sponsorship to fund the higher production cost series.

I don't really watch TV anymore and the medium might as well go away as far as I'm concerned. They've cancelled all the good series I watched for more than 10 years, and replaced them with garbage. The Netflix model seems to be working OK for now and I have pursuits that make entertainment trivial to me; the idea of spending hours paying attention to merely entertain my brain and deliver an IV of advertisement is ghastly when I consider what I want life to be about.

Comment Re:Let's start by repealing the 17th Amendment... (Score 1) 233

It's harder to influence an entire legislature, as opposed to just one person. Plus it's easier to keep tabs on the state legislators in your own state than a senator that flies away to DC and has a 14 year old intern answering the phones for them reading off pre-scripted answers to your questions. It's at least tougher to let the lobbyists completely run away with your senator.

Comment Let's start by repealing the 17th Amendment... (Score 3, Interesting) 233

If we put Senators back under the control of state legislatures, they'll be less influenced by outside money because the state legislatures can yank the leash when these "law makers" stop representing their constituents appropriately. This would make the Citizens United decision less relevant, at least on the Senate side.

The House reps are another story, because they're still under direct elections by the same public that keeps voting these "luminaries" back into power every time. Like senators, as soon as they finish lying to their constituents to their faces, they turn around and land in DC where they get hypnotized by lobbyists, committee chairmanships, etc. Then they're smooth sailing with their own agenda until it's time to come back home and lie to our faces again.

Comment One highly-publicized case is all it took (Score 0, Flamebait) 489

It seems everyone pointed at the Comcast/Netflix deal as the lynchpin of why FCC's "net neutrality" needed to be passed. What were the actual results of that debacle? A private company paid a bunch of money to another private company and users got better video streaming performance.

And by the way, it's highly skewed, back-room-negotiated regulations (like the ones used to pass NN) that keep smaller players from being able to compete against Comcast-type goliaths in local markets.

Congratulations on handing the well-meaning folks at the Federal government control of the internet, which was doing just fine. Now here's your prize:

Comment Why not be cautious? (Score 1) 294

These guys are obviously not anti-technology bigots, but they know there's something to being prudent and keeping the big picture in perspective. The purpose of technology is to aid mankind, not replace it, fix it, or supplant it. Seems like some of the people who are at the edge of technology and are aware of its potential to exceed its mandate are urging us as a society to slow down and not sacrifice our humanity at the altar of "progress" because we're in awe of the possibilities of what the technology can do.

Caution is not overrated. There are such things as unintended consequences. In fact they're everywhere and we just refuse to see them because we like our shiny new toys. I'd even say that for every benefit of anything, there are several unintended consequences.

Comment Let's not forget the Denon that started this... (Score 1) 418

Great cable, but too fast.

Transmission of music data at rates faster than the speed of light seemed convenient, until I realized I was hearing the music before I actually wanted to play it. Apparently Denon forgot how accustomed most of us are to unidirectional time and the general laws of physics. I tried to get used to this effect but hearing songs play before I even realized I was in the mood for them just really screwed up my preconceptions of choice and free will. I'm still having a major existential hangover.

Comment Re:Capitalism! (Score 1) 412

You missed my point. Voluntary misuse of something does not constitute inherent flaw. Capitalism doesn't solve things. It lets people solve things and choose those solutions. I wouldn't buy a car without seat belts. I feel like I'm flopping around in the seat without one. Browse the websites and see that for all cars safety is now a marketing point, because it speaks to the buyer and it sells.

Comment Re:Capitalism! (Score 1) 412

That's what you get when your supplier is the lowest bidder, and zero checks and balances are in place, all in the name of profit. Meanwhile, some MBA that set up the deal is relaxing on his Yacht. This is capitalism at work.

No, this is douchebaggery at work. They use capitalism to make their schemes happen, but capitalism also allows good things to happen too. Cars get you to and fro every day, and also get people killed at the rate of 35,303 per year for 2011 (source CDC death tables).

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