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Comment Re:... likely outcome (Score 1) 369

Sorry, never was Iraq specifically mentioned. I was merely commenting on how America gets drawn into so many conflicts that seem to have nothing to do with us. In the case of Iraq, to my knowledge, that was our own doing and did not involve allied action to initiate. Although in a convoluted manner it was related to retalitory action on Afganistan, but frankly not even I agree that the transition to Iraq was handled properly there.

Comment Re:Save the taxpayers money... (Score 1) 369

In truth, this is entirely because of the different set of standards applied in the military than in the government. Politicians, save for the president and others with active roles in the military and politics both, are civilians held to civilian law. Manning is a soldier held to the UMCJ and as such is held to different expectations than Holder. Different expectations result in different outcomes, which is why Manning is in jail and on trial and Holder got his wrist slapped.

Comment Re:... likely outcome (Score 1) 369

Little bit of education here. The US is involved in many of these "no attack" aggressions because while the enemy may not have attacked us, they have attacked US allies in the NATO organization. As a member of NATO we are obligated to come to the defense of other NATO members and shocking as it may seem, the US is considered the strongest military power in the NATO organization. This means that more times that not, the US is called upon to defend NATO members and thier allies.

Comment Re:un-invent, please! (Score 1) 572

If you go digging, find it, you can become rich. What does it mean to be rich? It is having the ability to influence what other people will do by offering or having the potential to offer them money, which again, would grant THEM influence. Etc. If you can become rich without doing actual work, you devalue all the gold already in circulation by adding the gold you found to it when you spend it, or exchange it for something else. You achieve an increase in your influence without adding value to the overall economy by DOING SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE.

One point of note; Since when is digging, creating a mine, or any other such manual labor unproductive or not "actual work"? Under your belief, what exactly qualifies as actual work? Please clarify.


Submission + - School District Hit With New Mac Spying Lawsuit ( 2

CWmike writes: "A former student at a suburban Philadelphia high school has sued his school district for allegedly spying on him and his family using a school-issued Mac laptop, according to court documents. The Lower Merion School District of Ardmore, Pa. was first sued in February 2010 by another student using similar charges. That case, dubbed 'Spygate' in some reports, was settled last October when Lower Merion agreed to pay Blake Robbins $175,000 and cover $425,000 in court costs. On Monday, Joshua Levin, a 2009 graduate of Herriton High, charged the district with violating his civil rights and privacy by remotely activating the notebook's built-in camera to take photographs and screenshots. On Wednesday, Lower Merion spokesman Doug Young called Levin's lawsuit 'solely motivated by monetary interests and a complete waste of the taxpayer's dollars.' Levin begged to differ. According to his lawsuit, Lower Merion used his laptop to take more than 8,000 photographs and screenshots between September 2008 and March 2009. A district report uncovered more than 30,000 photographs and 27,000 screenshots taken. Last June, lawyers made photos and screenshots available for viewing by the 76 affected students. 'Plaintiff opted to view the recovered images, and was shocked, humiliated and severely emotionally distressed at what he saw,' Levin's lawsuit stated."

Comment Re:Fake photos? (Score 1) 187

Actually, the point I was trying to get across was that these photos are documented, real photos. Granted they are staged publicity shots for the data center owners. The originals with high res TIF versions are avialable here. This means that although they are the real facility, they are using lighting effects and such that are not present during normal operation.

That said, more realistic photos can be seen Here

Comment A small tidbit most people are missing... (Score 1) 417

It is highly likely the mother knew nothing of this man's criminal history. Last time I checked people didn't just go around background checking thier dates. Hell I dated a woman for 2 months before I even knew her last name, much less SSI # that is required to do a proper background check. Get a clue folks. The press is supplied by the cops and public record. Of course THEY know about this guys history. The woman was likely totally clueless to it. Not to mention, since when was check fraud (something easily committed on accident) grounds to suspect a violent nature?

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