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Journal Journal: Spamrealtedinfo

Just checking with what this Honeypot is about. Munging Email ids is being talked about as a common way to combat spam. my ors myrealbox com is already spammed. need to take effective steps. ( you know what, the in the above adderess @ is actually & # 64 ;l and . is & # 46 ; and the sites say spambots current can't recognize this. This is a good finding. checking with such kind of simple things will make the project effective)
User Journal

Journal Journal: Spam Combat Related Info:

I've suggested my sister to do a good spam filter as her final year Project.
It will perhaps give a good understanding of various concepts and it will be good project as SPAM is a current world problem which many companies are trying to fight in more than imagninable ways and they have been fightint it so long.
I dont know if there will be an end,but both spam and ant-spam concepts have grown enormously in the very recent times.
Its a high time to understand them properly.
I think, it was my interest also, so I suggested it my sister. Hope she finds it interesting.
Have completed the uthcode version 0.9 and I wish to write a small ed like editor to get started with some projects.
Should also be keeping up my sis's project so that I would be able to guide her properly.
User Journal

Journal Journal: What should a Slashdot Journal be?

I already have a blog at http://usr.blogspot.com
and I am using it regulary.
Its all about Love and Machines.
But for some time now, I have been practising Linux Operating System Programming and Administration.
Getting to C Programming and Mutt,vim and other stuffs. Perhaps I can log my daily study details herein.

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