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Comment Re: A more accurate depiction of the subway's stat (Score 1) 219

World class? Have great train service from the airport to downtown. Took forever for SFO to get BART, was abysmal, now it is great. New York, finally can get into town from Newark or JFK, La Guardia, maybe sometime. Exceedingly stupid for LA Metro to stop a mile away from LAX, now they are finally building a fix. Ever fly into Vegas and wait in that line for a taxi? What monorail?

Comment Re: They are less shit than their competitors (Score 1) 757

You paid more so that they could have that $250 billion cash surplus, while their employees sit around surfing the internet all day and watching their stock price, allowing their customer support to be bitchsourced by online forums, doing the exact opposite of innovating, oh, and nobody wanted to be the PC Guy in the commercial.

Comment Re: And Obama once again is a blatant liar (Score 1) 534

Every discussion of the Iraq war should start with this statement. Sadden Hussein was a murderous tyrant, launching two wars of aggression; for oil. He tried to start WWIII by launching missiles against Israel and committed chemical warfare genocide against his own people. He was personally and solely responsible for the death of over 1 million people, mostly Muslims, putting him in the murderous class of Hitler, Stalin, Kim, and Pol Pot in infamy.

Comment Re: Apollo distributed more than wealth! (Score 1) 348

Investment in space race, interstate highways, the GI Bill, all gave incredible returns, past tense. Ask scientists what would give us future returns: one manned mars expedition or 100 robot expeditions to planets, moons, comets, asteroids, oh yeah, and nobody dies.

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