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Comment Re: Hardly (Fewest Users = Fewest Flaws) (Score 1) 548

I highly doubt Vista has been overlooked by the critics and others who wish to expose flaws in it. It's too big of a target to give MS a black eye. Even if there were just 5 million installations ( I don't believe the 20 million mark myself ), I don't think it would get any less harsh treatment than any other flagship product of theirs. It's too big a target for those types of purely Anti-MS folks, so I hardly think you can state "fewest users = fewest flaws" and claim that's why the flaw reports are down.

I would say this is more due to MS going in this direction for many years now with XP, facing continuing pressure from competitors ( open source community, Apple ) to provide actual stability and security moving forward. It's a good step in the right direction if this report is to be believed and I hope it continues. I have to support this stuff, so the better it is for the user, the better and easier it is for me.

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