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Comment Who will build that router? (Score 1) 92

So you want a router on level 7 that does a asymmetric crypto on every client_hello that's passing by. Even if such a machine existed and the border ISPs were compensated for additional costs caused by it, I doubt they'd put up with it. Traditional technologies like TOR or VPNs are already available and seem a lot less insane than "Telex".

Submission + - Hacker w/ 675k Stolen Credit Cards Gets Ten Years (

wiredmikey writes: A hacker that had been found with more than 675,000 stolen credit card numbers that reportedly led to loses totaling more than $36 million, was sentenced on Friday to 120 months in prison. After pleading guilty on April 21, 2011, Rogelio Hackett Jr., 25, of Lithonia, Georgia, was slapped with a maximum prison sentence and ordered to pay a $100,000 fine.

According to court documents, U.S. Secret Service special agents executing a search warrant in 2009 at Hackett’s home found more than 675,000 stolen credit card numbers and related information in his computers and email accounts. Hackett admitted in a court filing that since at least 2002, he has been trafficking in credit card information he obtained either by hacking into business computer networks and downloading credit card databases, or purchasing the information from others using the Internet through various carding forums.


Submission + - A Congressman and an Astronaut Propose a New Plan ( 2

MarkWhittington writes: "Reflecting a rising discontent with the state of the U.S. space program in the wake of the last space shuttle mission, Rep. Pete Olson, R-Texas, and Apollo astronaut Walt Cunningham have proposed a new space plan that addresses space exploration, the role of commercial space, and reform of NASA."

Submission + - Uh oh! Android password data stored in plain text. (

jampola writes: "So The Hacker News is reporting that Android password data is being stored as plain text in it's SQlite database. The Hackers news says that "The password for email accounts is stored into the SQLite DB which in turn stores it on the phone's file system in plain text.Encrypting or at least transforming the password would be desirable." — I'm sure most would agree encrypted password data in at least SHA or MD5 would be kind of a good idea!"

Submission + - Creator of China's Great Firewall Pelted withShoes

Hugh Pickens writes writes: "The Guardian reports that Chinese police are seeking a man who said he threw eggs and shoes at the architect of China's "great firewall", the world's most sophisticated and extensive online censorship system as his claims were cheered by many internet users, in a reflection of growing anger among them about increasingly stringent controls. The office of Fang Binxing, known as the father of the great firewall, denied the attack had happened, but Associated Press said police were sent to the university to investigate a shoe-throwing incident targeting Fang, citing an officer at the Luojiashan public security bureau. The Twitter user who claimed to have pelted him, who posts under the pseudonym @hanunyi, wrote: "The egg missed the target. The first shoe hit the target. The second shoe was blocked by a man and a woman." Earlier this year Fang closed a microblog within days of opening it after thousands of Chinese internet users left comments, almost all of them deriding him as "a running dog for the government" and "the enemy of netizens". Meanwhile admirers of the shoe attacker showered the anonymous young man with promises of everything from Nike trainers to replace his lost footwear, to iPads, sex and jobs."

Comment Customer responsibility (Score 1) 293

I dislike these 'pay-up-or-else-schemes' as much as anybody else. But in shouldn't each ISP customer be accountable for what happens on their connection? If you decide to share the connection with your family/friends/neighbours it's your job to ensure that they don't abuse it. Otherwise anyone could set up an open wifi and deny any responsibilities for what happens on the connection...

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