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Study Finds Most Would Become Supervillians If Given Powers 419

It probably comes as no surprise, but researchers have found that most of us would gladly put on a mask and fight do-gooders if given super powers. From the article: "But power also acts like strong cologne that affects both the wearer and those within smelling distance, Galinsky noted. The person gains an enhanced sense of their importance, and other people may regard them with greater respect as well as extend leniency toward their actions. That combination makes for an easy slide into corruption."

Comment ASP.NET problem? Ha! More like Web App Problem (Score 1) 156

Seems to be more of a problem with the web application and less of ASP.NET. I mean, sure you can get the encryption key to the cookies, but seriously who puts information like a bank balance or a social security number in a cookie anyway? You should have that stored server-side and only use a session id.

University Networks Block Student Project 167

An anonymous reader writes "A computer science student at University College London put together FitFinder as a bit of a joke — it's been described as a cross between Twitter and personal ads, and it rapidly became very popular. The university took exception to this and started by blocking the site from being accessed on campus. Not content with this, a few weeks later it fined the student £300 and had him take the site down completely. Currently, the site is still offline, although there is a petition with several thousand signatures requesting its return. In the meantime, a site called PhitFinder has appeared, claiming to have no link to the original."

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"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen
