Comment What's the story: Hillel & strip chart recorde (Score 2) 612
Hi Woz,
Decades ago in Houston, I got called in to modify a 4-channel strip chart recorder program running on an Apple ][ motherboard stuffed into an industrial chassis.I asked for the source code and was given a small notebook with some hand-written and hand-assembled 6502 code that you had written. The story I got was that Hillel, the manager in charge, had gone to a computer show back in around 1977 or so and had seen the hardware capabilities of the Apple ][. He apparently said he'd order a bunch of boards if someone would write a program to display the data. He designed a small board with some A/D converters to connect to some pipe inspection machines. Someone volunteered you to do the programming. According to the legend, you kept putting him off until he finally came out and camped on your doorstep one weekend while you wrote the program.
What do you remember about this?
I added some new functionality to the program; I think the first thing I did was to add 2 more channels, then added code to record the results to a digital cassette. It eventually grew to more than I could fit into 16K of ROM and needed more than 320 lines of video and I ported it to some 8086-type machine. I think the last time I worked on it, I had it up to 10 channels with lots of configuration options. I got 7 or 8 years of contracting out of that program. I also remember learning quite a lot about how to inventively use the 6502, some of which I was able to use on later projects.
What do you remember about this?
I added some new functionality to the program; I think the first thing I did was to add 2 more channels, then added code to record the results to a digital cassette. It eventually grew to more than I could fit into 16K of ROM and needed more than 320 lines of video and I ported it to some 8086-type machine. I think the last time I worked on it, I had it up to 10 channels with lots of configuration options. I got 7 or 8 years of contracting out of that program. I also remember learning quite a lot about how to inventively use the 6502, some of which I was able to use on later projects.