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Comment Re:Stay away from the Kindle! (Score 1) 645

I agree that people need to get this right.

"Strong" and "Weak" should only be applied to RELATIVE values, not to whole concepts.

An atheist is the one that does not believe in THEISM; theism being beliefs in supernatural beings. "Atheism, in its basic form, is not a belief; it is the absence of belief." Either you do, or you don't, no relative things here.

"An agnostic is a person who believes that something is inherently unknowable by the human mind. When applied to the sphere of theistic belief, an agnostic is one who maintains that some aspect of the supernatural is forever closed to knowledge." Either you think it is knowable or you don't.

"Properly considered, agnosticism is not a third alternative to theism and atheism because it is concerned with a different aspect of religious belief. Theism and atheism refer to the presence or absence of belief in a god; agnosticism refers to the IMPOSSIBILITY OF KNOWLEDGE with regard to a god or supernatural being."

"Agnosticism can be either theistic or atheistic"

"The agnostic THEIST believes in the existance of god, but maintains that the NATURE of god is unknowable."
"The agnostic ATHEIST maintains that any supernatural realm is inherently unknowable by the human mind, but this agnostic suspends his judgment one step further back. Not only is the nature of any supernatural being unknowable, but the EXISTANCE of any supernatural being is unknowable as well."

I refer to you the book "Atheism, the Case against God", by George H. Smith, where he does an extensive and well thought out analysis, from where I take the previous quoted sentences. I guess you could find an actual book or reference for the other terms, but the extensive analysis given in this book properly cements his reasoning.

Comment Re:Crystal Radio (Score 1) 364

I don't remember where (Make magazine?), there was this project to make a VERY LOW cost radio with just wire and a wire hanger (and maybe some earphones?)

Finding it via google is left as an exercise to the reader...

You might also get lots of ideas in Make Magazine, the do lots of do-it-yourself projects, and most are cheap.

Comment Re:Programming + Mouse ? (Score 1) 569

Well, that's not so much the issue as the question: why are you using the mouse for?

If you need the mouse to select code for copy/pasting, you most probably are duplicating code needlessly.

For moving the windows around? That might be useful, but as many have said, it might actually be faster with the keyboard.

Well yes, your habits with the mouse MIGHT be faster but we all seriously doubt it.

Comment Re:Why wireless? (Score 2, Insightful) 569

Really? I would also say, WHY?

I use a microsoft mouse... with cable. No need to recharge or change batteries. I keep my workspace clean and just the most minimal stuff, and it's so much better than when I let it be cluttered. If you have so much mess, you have worse problems than the mouse cord. Begin there.
The cord NEVER tangles, I don't even notice it at all.
Wireless are BULKIER, HEAVIER, more EXPENSIVE and the ones I bought have frizzled out. They might be prone to interference with other mice or other stuff. It's really annoying to sit down to work and find your mouse does NOT work, and you have no fresh or charged batteries.

Really, the cord does NOT get in the way. Well, not if you use it right.

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