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Comment Re:Yes, sadly (Score 1) 518

2 years ago and I would have agreed with you. But I think things have gotten a lot better in more recent times. I personally didn't mind Oblivion / Fallout 3's UI, but the beauty of being on PC is that there are mods to make them more 'PC like'. Some recent games like Bad Company 2 / Metro 2033 have been fantastic PC games, with amazing graphics. Though in BC2's case I would say the sound in it was more amazing. I think game devs are getting better at creating high quality cross-platform builds, and with Steam coming to Mac I think that will only get better.

Comment Re:No... (Score 1) 518

If you look at any popular torrent sites, you'll notice that the seed numbers for Xbox / PS3 games are also fairly high. I would contend that while consoles have a lower rate of piracy than say, PC, the majority of it goes undetected because they are smart enough not to play online. A mate of mine has a 360, and pirates exclusively on it, while he buys all his games on PC.

Comment Re:One big reason PC gaming is dying... (Score 1) 518

People who want to game do not buy OEM machines with Intel GMA chips. Or if they do, they will be like my mum and play Plants vs Zombies which runs just fine on such a chip. Also, PC gaming is not dying. And for the price of a typical "gaming" PC, you get a multipurpose machine which does more than just play games and you don't have to pay exorbitant fees to play online.

Comment Re:Good! (Score 1) 518

Mod parent up. You can build fantastic gaming machines for well inside of $1000 these days. It's more expensive than a console for sure, but you also get the advantage of not buying a single purpose machine. Also, you get a lot more freebies on PC than you do on console (free DLC, free online play). It all balances out in the end.

Comment Re:My problem with iPad (Score 1) 553

1. Fair enough, hopefully this will be addressed with 4.0
2. How so? Get the SDK and go for it...
3. This is a good thing
4. This is also a good thing
5. It's a bit of an inconvenience sure, but there are plenty of valid reasons for it
6. There have been some questionable ones, but for the most part they have been from developers who just needed to play by the rules. That hasn't been the case for all of them, and off the top of my head there have been a few that annoyed me, like google latitude, but the overwhelming majority have been from devs who didn't read the rules
7. In the years the iPhone has been around now, that has not happened once. Also, I'm not sure what you mean by tampering with apps and settings. The only thing I am aware of is the app killswitch
8. The emulator violated SDK policy and the devs should have seen that coming, Google Voice duplicates the phone app, which is also covered in the SDK. You can argue all you want that the rules are unfair, but there they are, the devs knew it, and released apps that violated them anyway, then complained when they got removed / rejected. Big surprise there
9. Like what? I have heard of apps being knocked back with the Apple guys making a list of suggestions on how to make their UI better, or more consistent. This is a good thing

Comment Re:EVE Online's approach (Score 1) 463

EVE's approach is even more broken, because at least grinding rewards the player for playing the game. In EVE, you are rewarded for queuing skills and logging out. Not to mention that a highly skilled player in a small ship can beat a less skilled player in a large ship. Or the fact that it takes months and months to actually get anywhere in the game, let alone start being fun.

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