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Comment Driving inefficiently another issue... (Score 2) 891

Simple observation quickly shows many people are clueless to the effect of their driving styles on their fuel economy as well. Full throttle rush towards the next red light, slam on brakes, stop....repeat. Highway driving? Absolutely positive HAVE to achieve that 10 foot gain on the guy beside you, even if it means changing lanes and mashing on the accelerator only to inevitably end up following another car and having to slow down. Again, repeat....over and over and over again.

Simple driving style changes can yield the average driver a HUGE increase in fuel mileage, but until the "I'm more important than everybody else, I need to be in front of you and get there as fast as humanly possible, screw you all" attitude of many of todays drivers change, all the technology advances in the world won't help if the idiots behind the wheel just continue to operate the vehicles in a basically inefficient fashion.

Comment Driving is not a right. (Score 0) 643

Some people have forgotten that driving on public roads is a privilege, not a right.

Accordingly, if you do something stupid, you damn well deserve to be held accountable for it. The "OMG ONOZ THE INSURANCE COMPANIES SEE MY PRIVATE BLACK BOX DATA!!" freakouts shouldn't fly with anyone who has a basic sense of respect for the privilege.

Comment Re:Carefully placed.... (Score 1) 296

That would have been my suggestion as well. A carefully placed old iPhone 3G hardwired into the electrical system (to ensure it stays charged) with Find My iPhone enabled would do the trick, and be quite slick at that - you could track it on anything from a desktop computer, another iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch, or heck, basically anything with a web browser.

Yes, there's a recurring monthly fee associated with that for the underlying cellular service, but I don't think that there's many options for this sort of system that won't carry a fee of one sort or another.

Comment Landfill safe? (Score 1) 298

Not to come across as a tree hugger or anything, but is this landfill safe, since, ya know, a lot of it will eventually end up there in areas where recycling programs are not on place.

That presents another question - will it play havoc with the recycling process itself?

Comment Re:Hmmm.... (Score 1) 444

Polymer note lifespan is widely accepted to be about 5 years.

Given I just found a coin in my jeans from 1957 which is still in regular circulation, I think your suggestion that the two even remote compare in overall longevity remains flawed. Plenty of original 1987 $1.00 "Loonies" are still in circulation - at at 23+ years old. To replace the $1.00 and $2.00 coins with polymer would still mean that they would have been replaced at least 4 times over that same span of time, and every 5 years after that you add another replacement cycle.

To equate it to my 1957 coin in my jeans, a polymer equivalent would have had to have been replaced more than 20 times already.

Coins can easily last decades under regular circulation, and centuries with light circulation. Polymer will never match that no matter how hard you try.

Comment Re:Maybe currentcost (Score 1) 172

I own a CurrentCost ENVI. The current cost units do have basic device-level drivers for OSX but the interface software required to upload the data to Google Powermeter is (sadly) Windows only. It's one of the biggest gripes in the CurrentCost message forums but the developers appear complacent on the subject.

As such I've been forced to run Windows 24/7 via Parallels with the sole task of running the Google Powermeter application in Windows instead of OSX. Frustrating.

Frustration aside, I do like the unit, but I discovered shortly after my purchase that it only partially supports tiered pricing - it does support two tiers (day and night) with selectable rates and times, but our local utility uses three tiers with each coming into effect at various times of day - off peak, mid peak, and full peak. The ENVI has no ability to be programmed to support this - what I did was program it for the "average" price between mid=peak and on-peak so that it is at least relatively close on the price display.

I'm hoping eventually GPM will also add more options - it supports only *one* tarrif rate, making it even less useful for calculating pricing. It does graph the information nicely though.

Comment Penalizing legal uses? (Score 1, Interesting) 352

Here in Canada we pay a huge levy on blank CD media, MP3 players, and virtually any other media capable of holding music. This "goes into a fund to pay musicians and songwriters for revenues lost from consumers' personal copying. ", as per the Cnet article here

Therefore, this shutdown is infringing on my legal right to download music.

Meh, there's always ISOhunt, or like everyone else has already said, plenty of other choices.

Comment Re:Why not store the data on phone permanent memor (Score 2, Informative) 304

I'll admit to having one of the original (and second version) of the Sidekick (They were called the Hiptop everywhere else except the USA) and the idea of storing everything on the cloud seemed great at the time - through several device upgrades, warranty replacements, and other hardware changes everything just automagically restored to the new phone within 10-15 minutes of switching the SIM.

One should add that the devices themselves are designed to "Play dead" when the battery gets low and shut down while still maintaining enough power to ensure the volatile ram holding the devices local cache of data remains intact. It's only if the battery is fully exhausted to the point of not being able to accomplish this, or a critical error/OS crash (The dreaded "red X of death") is encountered is the volatile ram actually in danger of being erased.

Therefore all the warnings about not letting the phones go "dead" or turning them off are a bit misleading since, excluding one of the two above situations everything is actually safe, but it's not without warrant since I'm sure MS/Danger are going to try to "backwards restore" whatever is salvageable.

Furthermore, since the OS is locked down extremely tight there's no (to my understanding, admittedly a few years old now) method of locally backing up a Sidekicks data. Contacts stored on the device can be backed up to the SIM card one at a time (with only the basic name/phone data, all other extraneous data such as profile pics, etc will not be included) but it was tedious to accomplish (one contact at a time) and the average Sidekick user (read as teen/clueless) probably has no idea how to do it anyways.

Comment How about updating USB camcorder support then? (Score 4, Informative) 820

If they're on the way to eventually eliminating Firewire I sure hope that Apple has plans to update USB support for more camcorders then.

I have a JVC hard drive camcorder that is USB and iMovie has absolutely no idea what to do with it when I plug it into any of my Macs. It seems thatt if I had chosen a camcorder with Firewire instead (which Apple themselves trumpeted as the thing to do) I'd have had no issues.


It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Bill Gates Denied Visa to Nigeria ( 1

Xight writes: "Gizmodo recently wrote an article about Nigeria recently denying Bill Gates a visa to travel there on his recent trip to Africa proving that money can't get you everything. Whats even more amusing is that he was at "initially denied the Microsoft kingpin's application on the premise that they required proof he would not reside in Nigeria indefinitely, causing a strain on social services and a general nuisance for immigration.". I guess those Nigerian 419 scams really do pay off for them."

Security Software Costs More to Renew Than Buy New 164

Matt Whipp writes "In a story I wrote for PCPro, I explore a tip submitted by one of our readers. They pointed out how much more it costs to renew security software, rather than buying it new. In fact it cost less than half the price to buy it new than it does to renew the license because of heavy discounting. He feels a bit cross that, as a loyal customer, he is the one penalized. From the article: 'ZoneAlarm may have tripped up on this discount issue, but it's not alone. It highlights just how cynical companies can be in relying on customers' assumptions that a renewal should be cheaper than buying new. McAfee's Internet Security Suite costs just £24.99 with the current 50 per cent discount. However, should you be fool enough to already be a customer of McAfee, you'll have to pay £39.99 to renew your licence.'"

Submission + - Microsoft Vista, IE7 Banned By U.S. DOT

An anonymous reader writes: Citing concerns over cost and compatibility, the top technology official at the federal Department of Transportation has placed a "moratorium" on all in-house computer upgrades to Microsoft's new Windows Vista operating system, as well as Internet Explorer 7 and Office 2007, according to a memo obtained Friday by InformationWeek. In a memo to his staff, DOT chief information officer Daniel Mintz says he has placed "an indefinite moratorium" on the upgrades as "there appears to be no compelling technical or business case for upgrading to these new Microsoft software products. Furthermore, there appears to be specific reasons not to upgrade."

Is Vista a Trap? 559

logube writes "BBC has up an article about the trap of installing Vista in your existing desktop. Written by Tim Weber, a self-confessed 'sucker for technology,' this article is a good introduction to the pain and extra money required to get going with the newest version of Windows. See how you can spend an extra 130 british pounds, and still have no working webcam! Says Weber, 'It took me one day to get online. The detail is tedious and highly technical: reinstalling drivers and router firmware didn't work, but after many trial and error tweaks to Vista's TCP/IP settings, I had internet access. Once online, Creative's website told me that my sound card was a write-off. No Vista support would be forthcoming.'"

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