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Comment I have been disappointed in wireless "upgrades" (Score 2) 52

I agree it feels like an excuse to sneak spy tech into the home, but also I feel like wireless protocols stagnated a ton. Every few years they increase the number (Not 4, but 5! now) and pretend it matters a lot.

I'd prefer something like 'threads' has tried to do for the home automation space... something that tries to merge/meld various camps into an interoperating super group, at least until everybody makes stuff that works well together anyway.

Heck I wish devices had to publish their API so random consumers could write their own automation/tools for this. And force them to support a set of typical actions/information (on/off, channels, etc).

Anyway, guess we'll see what this becomes. It just baffles me how terrible everything is still. And how customers are left to just deal with whatever they are handed, unless they're an engineer (and even then...).

Comment Unclear description of what happened. (Score 1) 21

Who is related to the woman? Which he is he?

"He was partying with his sister, and he didn't like that he had introduced his sister to someone who gave her GHB".

And this is a great reason to just have everyone record everything. Then we wouldn't need to rely on the killer's explanation for why they killed.

Comment To finish that last comment... (Score 1) 62

I mean I found a unit that could accept vape cartridges and external batteries. I can't remember the brand anymore, and it wasn't something that immediately popped for my searches. Was rounded and chunky somehow, not long skinny and pen like.

Thought cost was like $100, and that isn't even with a functioning battery or charger.

Comment Regulation to require reuseable parts? (Score 1) 62

This isn't rocket science.

Like... Add a recycle fee to any non-reusable vapes, and require shops to collect and turn them in.

It'd help to have hardware that works around the problem. I know vapes purchased locally are not available that accept external batteries (the 18650 size or whatever), at least not easily found by me so far. Everything is the "use it until you throw it out" variety.

Last I searched there was an older model that wasn't being upgraded/updated, but it was expensive and no idea how reliable it was (how long it'd last).

Comment Agreed, though... (Score 1) 11

I'm on Xfinity and was surprised how poorly IPv6 all works. Experimented a few times trying to enable it and get tests from Google searches to agree everything was fine. Never happened.

Saw an opinion piece about the IPv6 transition and it basically diagnosed the situation as 'ipv4 is good enough, so nobody is upgrading to v6'. We made enough workarounds, and enough stuff would break at a forced transition, that it likely won't happen on it's own.

-------- (details of my situation) -------------

In case it matters... Netgear crappy home mesh routers (MK63) with their 'Xfi 7(?)' router as cable modem only to get unlimited for cheaper (and because my purchased old cable modem can't reach 600Mbps down). Windows 10 desktop is my typical host, but we have phones, laptops, and TV cable service too.

When the "8" router came out (with better wifi, etc) their support person offered an upgrade from our then current 6 to a 7, hoping to make some router/modem oddities improve. I run in bridged mode, but was seeing firewall errors in their logs for the modem/router. Stuff I wasn't sure how to decode or understand, just that it shouldn't show up at all (if the firewall is off then it shouldn't report any errors or block anything). And I could never get IPv6 online tests to pass.

The particular log entry stopped showing up, but IPv6 never worked... even with the upgraded router. I reboot everything weekly or so. If I wait 3-4 weeks I start getting odd errors that disappear with a reboot. No errors or reliable issues to debug/fix. Just stuff that should, and normally does work, doesn't. Or stuff will fail the first time and work after that for a while.

The router would detect a few different IPv6 setups, but never 'native'. Had a number of ipv4 to ipv6 results (think typical), but they take a while to come out and sometimes just failed/disabled.

Comment How do you identify bot traffic? (Score 1) 11

Can home routers be set up to watch for typical bot traffic? Or modems? Yes it'd be more work for them (making them slower and more expensive), but that seems a logical place to insert a tool like this... at the border.

Or what about ISP's periodically informing users they have malicious devices on their network.

Assuming we can't prevent issues like this in general, then we need a process that'll catch known bad situations. Like virus scanning, but for network traffic. And without a personal cost nobody will work on it. The lack of cost to the user is part of why this works so well, though not the only reason (manufacturers I'm looking at you, with your lack of security updates or source code releases).

Comment Opt in vs. out (Score 2) 37

You mention both. Please try to be more precise next time.

Opt in means I need to act to be part of the group. Nothing happens if I don't do anything.

Opt out means the opposite (I'm in the group unless I do something).

I was happily surprised by the title... the company was letting users explicitly allow the feature if they wanted, but nope. SOP again. EU = opt in, US = opt out.

Comment Thanks, but translate a bit? (Score 1) 11

Was frustrated they never mentioned what 'low power' was, especially compared to current wifi or cellular (what I'd thought of what 6GHz came to mind). But I'm not an EE (had a bit of vocational EE training a LONG time ago), and don't know how to think about either of those values you listed.

I'm used to hearing a wattage maximum for transmitting devices. Like I think wifi devices can output up to a watt max normally (or is it 0.1? aka 100mw). I know that isn't a functionality measure, but a 'peak noise' measure (that likely isn't a perfect way to think of the interference problem anymore).

Guess it'd help to include purpose along with capability in case our ideas differ....

Being even higher frequency than 5GHz AND with the low power requirement, I assume line of sight is the plan for this. I appreciate any spectrum being opened up for us little people's devices, but I wonder what they think the goal/benefit will be here. Why not just make it another channel with the other allowed 6GHz wifi choices?

I'm still intrigued by the much higher 'this room only' version (60GHz?), but it'd need to be really cheap and pre-installed in a basic item for it to take off IMO (door handle, light switch, power socket, or light fixture [could even be a free standing unit]). Oh, and likely including a wired network (powerline based?) as the backbone. Or be someone else... someone that needs the added privacy a lot more than me, or I'm guessing most people.

Guess a light based version would work there too. Line of sight... Seems worse than the omnidirectional RF for cost, but possibly better for 'security'. Harder to sneak something between the parts without you noticing.

Comment Wait, not 'proprioception'... (Score 1) 52

Think I forgot 'proprioception' was 'knowing where my body is without other input/data'. Not sure if the second idea is truly just 'touch sensors' or what to call them, (since that makes me think of it noticing when people touch it).

'physical atmosphere movement' sensors? I'm obviously not an expert in physical sensation categories or names.

I just know that being a pretty hairy person means I normally have an input channel there... and experimenting with hair removal across large areas means I suddenly lost that set of sensations, and it was a big deal. Surprised me how much I'd been relying on it, and how odd everything felt for a while. And then later on as it slowly came back.

Comment Add a horizon camera? Or proprioception? (Score 1) 52

How would I solve this?

I'd notice the edge of the sky and ground, and my relative movement. How big the ground is getting... Seems a pretty good backup solution for a probe too, though I don't know what the sky/ground color difference is typically.

Or movement of air nearby. Hairs on skin can provide separate useful data for varying levels of input (fast wind vs me physically moving vs ...), and sensors aimed at a range of results sound smart. Find the range of common and not conditions, then attempt to function across the whole range and offer overlap through multiple mechanisms. Could be a fun contest for kids or students (to get new ideas, and to work with cheaper materials first).

Comment How does the hardware compare to 'retail'? (Score 1) 62

Last I saw home routers were bandwidth limited by hardware (CPU speed wasn't fast enough for 'everything' to be used at easily bought home internet speeds). And open devices are nice, but people won't buy them if they're much worse than closed/typical devices.

How does this one compare with similarly priced, typical devices? Even if you ignore how efficient the software is... What CPU speeds and number of cores do most $90 routers have? 2 x A53 doesn't sound all that capable. Heck my mid level phone from many years ago has 4 (or is it 6?) cores.

Or more fully... end to end test what the fastest throughput it can reliably reach. Both speed tests and steady state usage. Wifi vs wired. WAN vs. LAN (vs. other LAN).

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