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Comment Re:Oh, is that all? (Score 1) 117

A prominent storage (hardware) company was using K&R C (pre-C89, who needs function prototypes?) for their firmware as recently as four years ago. Might still be using it, but my contact left for greener pastures. It was fun to tease my buddy and tell him he was using a C standard that was older than he was.

Comment Re:Wait...I"m paying already...? (Score 1) 14

I'm not a Spotify user, I just choose/play podcasts from the Google Podcast app.
What is the reason to use Spotify for podcasts? Are the podcasts only available on that platform, or is it just a convenient/clean app?

Seems like Spotify trying to charge for podcasts will drive users to other podcast platforms, as long the content is available outside of Spotify.

Comment Re:Jesus Christ... (Score 1) 595

Other than that, the most common programmer error is using uninitialized stack frame variables. Would it really be so much of a performance hit to have the compiler generate a call to zero out each new the stack frame on function entry. Perhaps with an 'I really care about performance here' option to not do it...

Any good C compiler will let you crank up the warning level enough to catch these mistakes. If not, you can use lint.

Would it really be so much of a performance hit to have the compiler generate a call to zero out each new the stack frame on function entry. Perhaps with an 'I really care about performance here' option to not do it...

For any kind of performance path, yes, zeroing out the stack frame would be costly.

Comment Re:LinkedIn Also. (Score 1) 219

...I try to find a particular person on Facebook I can never find them, so maybe it's just not popular anymore?

According to my daughter, FB is third-tier behind Instagram and Snapchat. She used to be a big FB and Twitter user, but has since deleted her Twitter account and now uses FB just for concert/musician groups.

Comment Re:Well duh. (Score 1) 187

So what if they're assholes. You just have to embrace diversity in the workplace. Look at it this way, there are doctors who are jerks. There are lots of good PhDs who are jerks. There are lots of Sys Admins who are jerks.

If I'm a manager and I have to spend time fixing communication/collaboration problems caused by the asshole, then I care because it is not only a waste of my time but also unpleasant for the people that the asshole is working with. Only the asshole seems to win, until they get fired (which I have done). Yes, you can be fired for being an asshole.

If I'm an individual contributor, I don't want to waste my time/energy working with assholes. It is counterproductive for me and the employer. If I must work with an asshole, I box them in and limit their assholery as best I can.

As long as you know how to take them and put them into roles which they are effective who cares.

As gosand said, you can't just morph the employee. I also tried that with one of my engineers, and he actually turned INTO an asshole.

Comment Re: works offline? (Score 1) 129

If the system is always listening, it always get the beginning, so it needs that, no more.

That's the one thing I couldn't understand about their whole system. Thank you.

If you enter the premise (restaurant, bar, etc.) mid-song, then the phone won't have access to the beginning of the song.

Assuming Pixel 2 can still identify a song that it only heard from the middle, then the audio fingerprint must cover characteristics of the entire song.

Another poster mentioned how a scan of a human fingerprint stores only specific interesting datapoints. So maybe Google's audio fingerprint includes a few bytes representing average BPM, a few bytes representing vocal range, etc. I'm not a musician or an audiophile, so I don't know the interesting characteristics.

Comment Re: Few people cares (Score 1) 151

Interesting. That was one of the assertions that I made that was derided.

I agree with you that it's true. It's just not the only reason not to trust them. OTOH, if there are some that always fail into "read only" mode, they aren't as bad as I've been thinking.

SSD firmware guy, here. You guys are correct, SSDs are not for archives. Data in NAND decays after a while, and the design is to read and refresh the data while it is still recoverable through ECC or parity.

Also, please understand that no SSD can guarantee to always go into read-only mode in the event of failure. No more space to write, because the drive has had too many grown defects? Goes to read-only mode. Drive loses one NAND die more than the design can recover from, thus likely losing some/all logical-to-physical mapping tables? Brick.

Please back up your SSDs.

Comment Re: How is an iPhone not a "Chinese phone"? (Score 1) 291

Battery life on my Xiaomi with a 4400mAH battery and MediaTek CPU was over 12 hours. The iPhone doesn't get anywhere close to that.

iPhone 6 battery is 1810mAH.
iPhone 6S battery is 2915mAH.

With your phone's giant-ass battery, I would certainly hope it can outlast an iPhone.

Comment Re:How is an iPhone not a "Chinese phone"? (Score 1) 291

The top of the line iPhone and Galaxy phones are in the $900 range while the Pixel 2 XL is rumored to be in the $800 range.

I'm not paying $800 for a phone because I'm not an idiot.

Or perhaps the features/specs of cheaper phones are good enough for you. I'm not an idiot, and am waiting to fork out for a Pixel 2. Why? Because I like the technology/benefits of the higher-end phones, but I'm tired of Samsung's crapware.

If you are satisfied with lower-tier phones, then enjoy the extra cash that stays in your pocket.

Comment Re:one solution (Score 1) 125

All this is to say that even as a techie who is involved in business meetings I don't see how I can hurt my company by going to a competitor. But I could see how a high level business planner may be barred by a non-compete clause.

Excellent point. I suppose the higher up the food chain you are, the more such a move could be scrutinized.
But for engineers, engineering managers and engineering directors, no real issues (so long as you abide by those two guidelines I mentioned). Marketing or BizDev directors might have some issues.

Of course if you go to a competitor and then use prior company's intellectual property, prepare to be sued or jailed. Every now and then you see that happen.

Comment Re:one solution (Score 1) 125

The line is very simple:
1. Do not take your former employer's property with you when you leave (no files, printouts, etc.)
2. Do not share your former employer's plans, strategies or technologies with your new employer

Abide by those and, in California, your former employer can't do jack about you going to a competitor.

A somewhat vague line is poaching. Many companies will ask you to sign something (usually during exit) saying that you will not use your knowledge of company employees to help a competitor identify/hire them. But recommending your buddies from your old job at your new job is common practice. Some people pretend to take the high road and will tell people that they can't tell you about a job at their new company unless you ask them, first. But it's all the same in the end -- old employer loses some people.

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